How to Make a Simple & Cute Outdoor Catwalk for Cats

by Kelly-n-Tony
13 Materials
1 Hour

We created a catio for our two cats by enclosing a small roofed section on the side of our house. However, to give our cats a way to feel like they're outside with us when we're in the yard, we built an outdoor catwalk for the cats.

We even added a icon sign to hang underneath! Here is how we did it:

DIY catwalk for cats

The garage is on the left and the house is on the right.

Catwalk materials:

  • 4 Sections of wire closet-type shelving
  • Sip ties
  • Outdoor grassy carpet scrap
  • Scrap wood
  • Screws

Catwalk sign materials:

  • Scrap wood
  • Stencil
  • Paint


  • Drill
  • Compound miter saw
  • Wire cutters
Wire shelves

1. Gather the materials

We purchased 4 closet-type wire shelves. They go on sale fairly often and I've seen them at yard sales as well. We got ours for about $12.50 each. We needed the 12ft length.

Fastening the shelves with zip ties

2. Make a tunnel

Using zip ties we fastened the 4 sides together to create a tunnel. A strip of leftover grassy outdoor carpet was zip tied to the bottom. Then we snipped the extra lengths of zip ties off.

Adding grass carpet to the bottom

3. Add grass carpet

The grass carpet ensures paws don't fall through yet rain and snow won't affect it.

Fixing the catwalk to the walls

4. Affix the catwalk

Currently, the tunnel runs from the catio to the garage wall where a shelf was attached and painted white to match Eventually, we might extend the tunnel to go into the garage or around the exterior of the garage.

Cat tunnel for cats

Both cats really enjoy the cat tunnel and run out to join us and enjoy lounging in the sun.

DIY catwalk for cats

DIY catwalk for cats

We just added the sign last week. To make it I painted a piece of scrap wood and made a stencil with my Cricut but it could easily be hand painted since it's a simple design. I think it really adds to the fun of it.

Would your cats enjoy something like this?

Resources for this project:
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  • Maria Luz Ramos Maria Luz Ramos on Jun 09, 2023

    Thank you for your idea. I was about to buy something for my cats. This is a go go

  • Theresa Theresa on May 16, 2024

    Use metal zip ties. I am in arizona and plastic ties crack and break off in the sun!!!!
