Scrap Wood DIY Planter

9 Materials
2 Hours

If you are a always doing DIY projects like me you get to the stage were you have a large pile of scrap wood. My pile was getting a little out of control so I used some of the scrap wood to make a wooden planter for my garden.

Scrap Wood DIY Planter

These pieces of wood were old bed slats which had a few layers of stain and varnish on them. I did not want to spend hours sanding it all off, so I put them through a thickness which removed it all in minutes. The best machine every if you build using recycled wood.

Scrap Wood DIY Planter

I used a table saw to cut the wood smaller ready to build my planter. The sizes cut were

  • 20 x 410mm x 35mm x 20mm 
  • 20 x 300mm x 35mm x 20mm
  • 4 x blocks for the legs
  • 4 x 360mm x 90mm for the base
Scrap Wood DIY Planter

The base was built by nailing the 4 side together. The first layer is to keep every thing from falling out of the bottom. They were glued and nailed in place using a nail gun.

The legs were also glued and screwed into place in the 4 corners of the base.

Scrap Wood DIY Planter

The pattern was then repeated over and over until all the pieces were gone. Glue was applied to every piece and secured with a nail gun so I could carry on and not wait for the glue to dry.

Scrap Wood DIY Planter

You can build it as tall or short as you like it is all personal preference.

The wood was stained using dark mahogany wood stain. In hind sight it would be easier to stain and varnish all the wood before putting it together. Two coats of outdoor varnish were added to protect the wood from the elements.

Scrap Wood DIY Planter

Soil suitable for succulents was added and some stones to give it a nicer look.

Scrap Wood DIY Planter

This is the planter complete. Modelled for you today by my 2 little jack Russell dogs who seem to jump into all my pictures.

A cute little planter made from scrap but costing me next to nothing.

Scrap Wood DIY Planter

If you are looking for more ideas to utilise all your scrap wood check out this jewellery stand/Scrunchies stand or check out the stunning headboard made from scrap wood and old kitchen cupboards.

Resources for this project:
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Unique Creations By Anita
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3 of 9 questions
  • Val Hawkins Val Hawkins on Sep 30, 2019

    When you say ran boards through a thickness, are you referring to a planer ?

  • Val Hawkins Val Hawkins on Sep 30, 2019

    Are you referring to a planer when you say ran your boards through a thickness ?

  • Sandra Sandra on May 20, 2020

    Has anyone translated the measurements into inches?

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3 of 86 comments
  • Amy Amy on Sep 11, 2021

    Im always looking for different unique ideas. That works.

  • Renee White Renee White 3 days ago

    Great idea. But it looks deadly heavy and probably needs to be built in its permanent spot. I love simple woodwork. I'm 70 yo F and boards are getting heavy for me. I'm certain this would be too heavy to move with wet dirt and plants. Even my big potted plants are a huge challenge every winter now, without a dolly. But it is beautiful and great idea...maybe one on each side of your walkway to your front door.
