Asked on Mar 13, 2023

How to soundproof a laundry room?

I love my laundry room but the noise of the washer and dryer reverberates to the adjacent bedrooms. What is the best way to soundproof a laundry room?

Sound proof laundry room

Best insulation boards!

Improve your room's soundproofing Pink foam with that Amazon reviewers swear by!

  18 answers
  • Dee Dee on Mar 13, 2023

    • I was just going to say "close the door" but that is not funny. If your walls are not insulated between the rooms, get some blown in insulation, which will be easier than putting Batt insulation in. You could also look into getting a contractor to put in Spray Foam Insulation. This will help but Interior wall insulation reduces room-to-room sound transfer, creating a sound barrier that contains inside sounds and mutes unwanted outside noise. Keep in mind, however that sound travels through your interior wall's wood framing, which means the insulation does not make the place entirely soundproof.

  • Mogie Mogie on Mar 13, 2023

    Beef up the doors to the laundry room. If you have a hollow core door add a solid core one instead this alone will make a difference. Even improving how well your doors seal will make it quieter.

    Do your walls have insulation now? If not add some and even if they do you can add more for more quiet.

    Change the flooring in the laundry room. If that isn't possible add throw rugs as those will help absorb some sound.

  • William William on Mar 13, 2023

    Most interior walls are not insulated. Blown in insulation is the easiest and A DIY project. Putting rubber pads under the washer and dryer feet will reduce vibration to the floor and transfer to walls. Replace hollow core doors with solid doors and weatherstrip the doors. Another option is to insulate the adjacent room walls if they are blank. Glue and nail 1X2 firing strips to the walls every 16". Use foam insulation board in between the firing strips. Glue and screw new drywall to the firing strips to the firing strips. The glue will create a seal and prevent sound transfer. Then just mud and paint.

  • You will need to insulate the walls or you could try soundproofing tiles for the walls. I've seen them on Amazon.

  • GrandmasHouseDIY GrandmasHouseDIY on Mar 15, 2023

    If getting into your walls and insulating is not an option you can purchase foam board. It comes in big sheets like plywood (though is thick foam so it doesn't weigh much) and comes in thickness of up to 3 inches. You can purchase the board, cut it to size and slip it in to either side of the washer and dryer and paint it to match your walls. That may help a lot!

  • Janice Janice on Mar 15, 2023

    I would first ensure that your W/D are setting level and creating more noise than is usual while they are being used. Placing rubber buffers beneath the feet or amat beneath the appliancs will help with that. You can also install blown insulation between the 2x4" framing hich will also help; but first ensure that the appliances are not touching the walls.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 15, 2023

    Thick Polystyrene Foam Sheet! Can buy in 8 x 4 sheets from DIY or Builders Merchants.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on Mar 15, 2023

    You can add acoustical panels to the walls or hang moving blankets or other thick blankets to absorb the sound.

  • Janice’s tips about checking for level are spot on and William’s idea of rubber pads for the feet is great. Adding more soft goods to the room can help such as rugs or curtains. Storing linens on a shelf can help too. Blowing in insulation is your best bet. You can usually rent the machines at a big box store and do it yourself.

  • Tim Tim on Mar 16, 2023

    I throw them out n use new one or don't stop till it's done lol jk

  • Sharon Sharon on Mar 17, 2023

    You could get some sheets of sound-proofing board at Lowe's then cover with some wall paneling like bead board.

  • Kmdreamer Kmdreamer on Mar 18, 2023

    Get some foam sheeting and staple it to the walls inside were the machine is

  • Hi Amy!

    Here are some ways you can create a soundproof laundry room:

    1. Reinforce Laundry Room Doors.
    2. Finish Laundry Room Walls With Insulation.
    3. Upgrade Laundry Room Flooring.
    4. Use a Soundproof Quilt on Your Door.
    5. Hang an Art Acoustic Panel.
    6. Lay Down a Carpet.
    7. Hang up Curtains or Blinds.
    8. Add Acoustic Foam to Walls.

    Hope this helps!

  • Veg76521670 Veg76521670 on Mar 29, 2023

    if you’re interested I actually have sound proofing foam squares for a music studio. Made the purchase without knowledge it was already taken care of.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jul 03, 2023

    If money is no object have insulation blown into the walls.

  • OrionVee OrionVee on Mar 14, 2024

    Hello! I faced it, too. Surprisingly, adding thick rugs and curtains made a difference in absorbing the sound. Another option is soundproofing panels or foam on the walls. Check for any gaps in windows or doors as well. It's a bit of trial and error, but these tweaks can significantly reduce the reverberation. Also, if you're from Trenton, NJ, or the surrounding area, check this out. These guys will do your laundry, and you will enjoy the quiet at your house. Good luck!

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Mar 15, 2024

    Use Polystyrene behind the appliances.

  • Betsy Betsy on Mar 16, 2024

    Hi Amy: You can put a rubber pad under the units to absorb the sound, and also buy some foam panels for the walls: