Asked on May 07, 2023

How effective are bay leaves for ants?

I'm dealing with a terrible ant infestation, and I heard that bay leaves can be a great way to keep them away. Do you know if that's true? If it is, how can I use bay leaves as a natural ant repellent?

Are there any particular types or qualities of bay leaves that work better than others for ant control?

Also, would it be a good idea to use bay leaves with other natural methods to boost their effectiveness?

And how long do bay leaves typically last before they need to be replaced?

Thanks a lot!

Bay leaves for ants

  19 answers
  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on May 07, 2023

    We've had our share of ants already. Although I have not personally tried Bay leaves as a deterrent and used other methods, such as Terro, wiping down the kitchen with glass cleaner, Jiffy cornbread sounds interesting. Here is a link to what 1 person did with Bay leaves and the results.

  • Janice Janice on May 07, 2023

    Bay leaves can be effective against ants but can be rather messy looking. Crumble bay leaves in the area or place a bay leaf in food canisters and replace about once a month. Another remdedy is to mix white household vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio and spray on the surfaces of your kitchen.

  • Dee Dee on May 07, 2023

    Instead of Bay Leaves, try Peppermint Essential Oil. It works great.

  • Cheryl A Cheryl A on May 07, 2023

    are the ants under the carpet? they look for moisture and food - I would call an exterminator to get the job done properly or use Ortho Home Defense Bug spray

  • Fresh leaves are better than dried.

  • I personally haven’t tried it but Terro liquid bait traps are like little miracles, they work near instantly too. Try sprinkling some diatomaceous earth around the perimeter of your house too.

  • Mogie Mogie on May 07, 2023

    It's a fact that ants hate citrus-based foods and juices, as well as ingredients that smell of mint, cloves, or bay leaves. The next time you spot ants in or around your home, put that can of bug spray down, and try using lemon juice and bay leaves, following these guidelines:

    • Cut a lemon in half and rub it all around your doorways, including the door jambs and thresholds.
    • Squeeze lemon juice into the cracks around the foundation of your home.
    • The next time you clean your kitchen and bathroom countertops, squeeze lemon juice onto your sponge during the rinse process, applying a thin layer of the juice to all surfaces.
    • Sprinkle grated lemon peel in your flower garden, on your hedges, and around ant hills in your lawn.
    • Grind dried bay leaves into dust and sprinkle it on top of ant hills in your yard.
    • Buy whole bay leaves and fashion sachets with them, using a length of pantyhose or mesh. Place the small sachets in your pantry, kitchen cupboards, drawers, bathrooms, closets, or anywhere you've seen ants scurrying about.
    • For a double whammy, combine lemon juice with ground bay leaves to form a paste. Smear the paste on the underside of the thresholds on the doors of your home.
    • Place an open container of bay leaves next to the dry goods in your pantry, such as flour, sugar, and corn meal.
    • Squirt lemon juice directly onto a trail of ants. The ants that escape will run back to the ant hill, carrying the lemon juice on its antenna, polluting the entire colony, shutting it down for good.

  • Alice Alice on May 08, 2023

    My daughter uses cinnamon or peppermint gum at entrances to her house

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 08, 2023

    Bay leaves are a deterant for ants, flies, weevils, moths, & roaches. But if that doesn't work, I guarantee diatomaceous earth will get rid of your issue as soon as they come in contact.

  • I've never used bay leaves, I guess they could work. I've always used cornmeal mixed with powdered sugar. It works, but it's a little messy to leave about.

  • Hi Rivka! Bay leaves are detested by ants, so pop one in your dry goods containers such as flour, sugar, rice etc. You can even tape them inside cupboards and shelves.

  • Put a bay leaf in your containers of dry items, such as flour, sugar, rice, etc., as ants hate them. Even better, tape them inside of shelves and cabinets.

  • Interesting! Never heard of bay leaves, but paprika and chili powder are popular remedies. This guide has a load of different DIY and natural ant solutions:

  • Emingcas Emingcas on Apr 18, 2024

    Bay leaves sure pack a punch in the flavor department, but when it comes to ants, I'm a little skeptical. Some folks swear by them as a natural deterrent, and while it's worth a shot, I'm not entirely sold on their effectiveness. Ants are resilient little critters, and it might take more than a bay leaf to keep them at bay. 🏃‍♂️I’ve heard from local pest control experts that while bay leaves might give ants a little pause, they aren't a guaranteed barrier. If you've got a stubborn ant problem, it might be time to call in the big guns! 💣

  • Hi Rivka! Bay leaves crumbled on windowsills will keep the ants from advancing, according to Better Homes and Gardens` ”Household Hints and Tips.” To keep ants out of your sugar and flour canisters, place a couple of bay leaves inside once a month. Vinegar also is naturally anti-ant. Hope this helps!

  • Dee Dee on May 16, 2024

    Use peppermint essential oil on windowsills, in pantry and around electrical sockets. They hate the smell.

  • Kathy Gunter Law Kathy Gunter Law on May 16, 2024

    I would go with food grade diatomaceous earth. Pet and human safe. Kills on contact.