Deer Issue

by Devan
I live at the foot of a mountain and have deer in my front yard often. They are eating all my plants & flowers. They really like my Hostas. I tried a Deer Repellant, but it didn't work. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  11 answers
  • If the food in the mountain does not support the deer they will come and forage on your plants no matter what you do. There are many methods to keep them away, but most do not last for long as they figure out each attempt to stop them. Auto water sprayers work for a while, automatic noise units connected to a movement sensor works pretty well also. Electrical fences will only work for a short time until they figure out how to work around the wires.
  • A number of my customers have experienced this problem in the Atlanta area. repellents don't work and they can jump most fences. You can purchase animal or mist netting to place over the flowers and plants. to repel other animals we will use cayenne pepper (sprinkled on the plants) but I'm not sure if that works for deer.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 21, 2013
    A tall deer fence is your only hope. Without it, give up on hostas. They're like setting out a salad bar for deer. The only shrub I know that is truly and reliably deer-proof is andromeda (Pieris spp). If you don't have children, plant other things that would be poisonous to deer: foxgloves and monkshood for starters. Ferns are usually a sure bet. If you've got some sun, you could try alliums and salvias, or anything where the leaves are strongly scented. Good luck!
  • Devan Devan on Mar 21, 2013
    Thank you both so much. I love looking out my kitchen window seeing these beautiful animals; I just don't like them using my yard as a salad bar!
  • Devan Devan on Mar 21, 2013
    Thanks, Doug!! I have some of these planted. I just hate to give up my Hostas! They're so big and beautiful!!
  • KMS Woodworks KMS Woodworks on Mar 21, 2013
    A well trained dog can help...that and good bolt action rifle. (at least when in "season") If you are in a some what rural area, you might set up a deterent like I did to keep the bears from getting in my trash.
  • Devan Devan on Mar 21, 2013
    Cool, KMS! Thanks for the post. I have two labs, they're not much help! Shooting them is not an option as they primarily come out at night. Hopefully, I'll figure something out!
  • Leslie D Leslie D on Mar 22, 2013
    Great MacGyver-ing, KMS!
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 23, 2013
    Devan, you can always keep trying different scent repellants in the (faint) hope of keeping your hostas. One that I've had success with in the past is Plantskydd.
  • Devan Devan on Mar 24, 2013
    Thanks Doug. I may give that a try.
  • BS BS on May 04, 2015
    What worked for me was a repellent called Liquid Fence. You do have to reapply it. It doesn't last forever. Plants that I found deer leave alone are salvias (including Russian sage which isn't really a salvia), artemesias, and surprisingly Shasta daisy.