Asked on Mar 05, 2012

When did builders begin adding hurricane clips to roofs in Central Florida?

by Susan
I am in the process of getting insurance quotes for my home. I can save quite a bit if the roof has hurricane clips. I'm not sure how to tell, plus I have very limited access to the attic.
  10 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 06, 2012
    Susan, if your home was built after 2002 it probably has wind resistive construction features that will help you qualify for a discount. Hurricane clips are not the only way: it depends on the type of roof you have. You'll have to get an inspection to get the discount. I would be very surprised if your insurance company will take your word for it.
  • Susan Susan on Mar 06, 2012
    I think you're right about needing an inspector. We are just getting ballpark estimates right now. Thanks for the information.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Mar 06, 2012
    The discounts definitely help. I'm right on the coast and have to have two different insurance policies to get coverage. It's painful!
  • If the roof has been redone in the past few years and you have a copy of the signed original contract, you can use this as a starting point to see if it was included. An instector will be able to tell you when they take a look at it as well.
    • Rick Rick on Mar 21, 2017

      Is it required if they redo a roof ?? I am looking at a house that recently had the roof re done and do not see any hurricane straps on them .

  • Susan Susan on Mar 06, 2012
    The roof was redone less than 10 years ago, so I will see what the paperwork says. Thanks.
  • Susan, you might find this information helpful if you do not currently have hurricane clips: As far as when they were required, for the state building code it was in 2002 after the onslaught of hurricanes that previous year. Some places in central Florida enacted local codes as early as 1992 after Hurricane Andrew.
  • Susan Susan on Mar 06, 2012
    Thanks, I'm thinking it may be worth investing in roof improvements if I can save several hundred dollars a year on insurance.
  • If your home is insulated with closed cell foam insulation, this product as well can help a lot as it can structurally support wall areas and help prevent movement.
  • @Woodbridge - while insulation could help in the walls, the main purpose of the hurricane straps is to keep your roof from tearing off the walls and going all Wizard of Oz. The majority of homes here are block/stucco walls. Second floors are usually stick built though, but again, a large majority of homes here are single floor.
  • Nice article.When houses are exposed to hurricane forces, roofs are most susceptible to damage. Many of Florida Retrofits customers actually profit from adding hurricane straps or hurricane clips and making their property safer. If you own a home, you cannot put a price on protecting your family inside. When your insurance gives you a lower rate for the roof to wall credit it makes a good decision even easier.Thanks for good sharing.