Asked on May 07, 2012

Can anyone tell me what this is at top of my Iris....Are they seed pods?

by Dianne
  28 answers
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on May 07, 2012
    Yes, they are. The theory is that the seed pods rob energy from the roots and you will get less bloom next year if you allow them to remain on the plant.
  • Walter Reeves Walter Reeves on May 07, 2012
    But you could let one go ahead and turn brown and collect the seed inside. Plant them immediately and you'll have interesting blooms in a couple of years.
  • Faidra at  CA Global Inc Faidra at CA Global Inc on May 07, 2012
    I have the same thing w/my tulips, is the same true.
  • Dianne Dianne on May 07, 2012
    thanks so very much...may try it....& yes, I have seen it on my tulips also but cut them off...
  • Susan S Susan S on May 07, 2012
    @Dianne - I'm so glad you asked that question about the "pods" forming on the Iris. Since I'm a bit farther north, my Iris are just coming into full bloom now so no pods yet. I've always wondered if I was supposed to whack them off or what? Mostly I don't bother and my Iris are just as full and lush as ever. SOOOOO, it's a little confusing. If you can plant the seeds from the pods but it's the rhizomes that you need to divide in order to propagate . . . . Maybe I'll let some of the pods turn to seed & cut the rest off and see what happens!!
    • Sue Kiene Sue Kiene on Apr 29, 2016
      @Susan S You can get new babies started with the seed but it will take a while (years) to get them to the point of blooming which is why you split, purchase and share rhizomes. If you went to the store and purchased the seed think how disappointed you would be that you did not get instant gratification with a flower.
  • Toqua B Toqua B on May 08, 2012
    I have had MANY iris's over the years and have NEVER seen these pods. Interesting. Thank you for sharing.
  • Linda B Linda B on May 08, 2012
    Yes, just as the rose will put out rose hips if you do not dead head the plant, so will the iris.I have never tried to plant any because Iris's are propogated by rhizomes...
  • Sandra R Sandra R on May 08, 2012
    I do believe these are seed pods, I've never let mine develope.
  • Paul M Paul M on May 08, 2012
    Yep those are seed pods alright.
  • Martha B Martha B on May 08, 2012
    seed pods
  • Ann S Ann S on May 09, 2012
    wrap cheesecloth around them and let dry on there then you can remove the cheesecloth and have your seeds ready to plant
  • Barbara R Barbara R on May 09, 2012
    careful not to let the seeds fall and germinate, if you have other irises in the same bed you could cross polinate risking losing the original one later on
  • Kathy G Kathy G on May 09, 2012
    never seen this with any of my irises. peculiar
  • Linda E Linda E on May 09, 2012
    I would think its seed pods but yet it may be another bloom. Not sure
  • Millie C Millie C on May 09, 2012
    yes they are seed pods
  • Judy J Judy J on May 16, 2012
    Break them open and spinkle some in your garden. All you got to do is water.and they will come up.
  • LCGPetrey LCGPetrey on Apr 24, 2015
    Look like seed pods but don't open until they've matured. They'll probably pop open all by themselves.
  • DORLIS DORLIS on Jun 22, 2015
    Keep an eye on them and when they do open, plant them. You never do know what color you will get.
  • Susan Susan on Jun 25, 2015
    I have never seen this-how interesting!
  • Suzette Trimmer Suzette Trimmer on Oct 18, 2015
    As an old Iris Grower & lover of past decades. I just had to make a comment. To the few above who said they have never been on their own or ever, I simply can not imagine, and I am envious. For at this time of year I am constantly cutting down seed stems. Today, for example, I have cut off thus far 428 pods. Yes, you read that correctly, I give so many away and then there are those I literally scatter in the wind. Long Road trips along interstates I sincerely do throw all sorts of seeds indigenous to the region to have beautify the barren center regions. Many years later I have been lucky enough to see so many areas I recognize as having set seeds that grew many lovely pop up flower patches that everyone can enjoy.
  • Suzette Trimmer Suzette Trimmer on May 13, 2016
    Please accept my apology for such a late and delayed response. I would be more then happy to send you Iris seeds as many as you'd like.
  • Annie Doherty Annie Doherty on Jun 19, 2016
    What a lovely generous gesture scattering seeds and brightening up peoples lives, I wished I live in the US and had seed pods like these, they are amazing as are you.
  • Annie Doherty Annie Doherty on Jun 19, 2016
    Sorry I should have addressed this post to Suzette.
  • Rodrigo Sebidos Rodrigo Sebidos on Jul 02, 2016
    Irises produce a dry dehiscent fruit called capsule. Capsules differ from pods (Legumes) by splitting into several sutures before releasing the seed inside while pods generally split in two suture as in Legumes.​
  • Annie Doherty Annie Doherty on Jul 03, 2016
    You are absolutely correct Rodrigo, I recall these seed pods in my Grandfather's garden and once recall it bursting with a very loud pop and watching the seeds scattering. Thank you for sharing.
  • Rodrigo Sebidos Rodrigo Sebidos on Jul 04, 2016
    Welcome, Anne
  • Joann Joann on Apr 27, 2021

    I wasn’t sure what the pod was, and I carefully removed it when it got to be about 5-6 inches. I have it outside, and I am wondering if it will still dry out and have seeds that can produce more plants?

  • Curt Curt on Jun 17, 2021

    Reading all these comments are making my head hurt!

    Basically I read somewhere to pull them off could hurt the main plant so I pulled them off, I'm starting a new area if flowers can I put the pods/seeds in or around the area and do I wait for the pods to open can I just place the pods In that area and let them do their thing