Wooden Crates From Old Window Blinds

by TwoPlusCute
Upcycle your old window blinds and turn them into pretty, decorative wooden crates for your pots, with this easy tutorial!
I love this upcycled crate. Well…to be honest, I love all upcycled crafts (as long as they are safe). And I don’t know about you but I am extra fond of crafts that have zero cost. ;)
And it was even easier to make than our PB inspired bookcase ledges.

1 x 1 square stick

Scrap piece of plywood (if you want to add a base)

Saw OR utility knife (to cut the blind blades to size)

Nails, hammer and/or heavy duty stapler

Wood glue
Make two opposing sides first.

Use shims (or scrap wood, or a few slats together, or…you get the idea: anything can work) to create even gaps between the window slats.
Nail or staple the slats on the sticks. I chose staplers for the roughed out look and in all honesty, I really like using my stapler – it’s so easy!

I glued and nailed the “sticks” to the plywood, making sure the bottom slats would overlap (and hide) the plywood.

Make the other two opposing sides by simply stapling the window blinds to the existing frame.
Want to see another FABULOUS craft using wooden blinds? You will love this beautiful, summer serving tray!

More details on DIYing your own crates at the bottom link (plus how to decorate them!).
Want more details about this and other DIY projects? Check out my blog post!
Frequently asked questions
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  3 questions
  • Teresa Lowry Teresa Lowry on Jan 12, 2017
    How do you place this on your porch? Can you show a picture?
  • Jenni Jenni on Jun 25, 2018

    Thank you for your post. I've been thinking of using my discarded wood blinds to build a privacy screen for outdoors. Would the slats need to be treated for outdoor use? How have yours held up to weather conditions?

  • Janet Martin Perkins Janet Martin Perkins on Oct 28, 2019

    Can you please tell me what heavy staple gun you used and size of staples. I would love to do this project. Thank you.

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