How to remove wax from a hard wood floor

Giuliana Lopez
by Giuliana Lopez
3 years ago we redone our floor (sanding, stain,polyurethane coat) after a year I started to use wax, now I need to remove the wax what can I use to take all the wax out?
  5 answers
  • There are several methods to remove wax from floors. I would suggest that you go to your local flooring supplier and ask them for the necessary chemicals that they would suggest depending upon the type of floor you have and how it was finished. Using the wrong chemicals can dull the poly coating that was applied when the floor was first finished. You may need to use a polishing machine with a stripping pad if the wax is really heavy to remove it.
  • Jiust Floored, Inc. Jiust Floored, Inc. on Aug 24, 2013
    Giuliana, I recently had this same request from one of my customers as well. Even though I cannot verify this method, you can try using mineral spirits sparingly, for you never want to try anything too agressively!
  • Liz Liz on Feb 13, 2015
    I used diluted ammonia to remove the was and other gunk on my hardwood with poly finish. Try it in a small inconspicuous spot.
  • Marlene Marlene on May 12, 2015
    With very good ventilation, use ammonia. May have to mop two or three times ,but it will remove it.
  • Melody Melody on May 04, 2016
    when I had real wood floors I would strip them once a month with ammonia, vinegar water ... but I would use a scrub brush on my hands& knees in small areas at a time then I would bring the water mix up with a rag or string mop and continue on till I was done. Then I would lay a fresh coat of wax down. I was thankful my home at that time was small and I was young. BUT!!! PLEASE NOTE... the better way to do wood floors now days and keep that beautiful shine and reflective finish is just mop once a week with (Murphy's old English wood finish soap) you can buy it anywhere they sale floor cleaning products. AFTER you sweep, mop and let dry then you can if you want spray wood furniture polish on a dusting mop and go over the floor to help protect it.