Looking for copper sink options for my kitchen renovation

Lisa Rosi
by Lisa Rosi
I am planning to renovate my kitchen and would like to put in a copper sink. My research has found that, copper is stain resistan, scratch resistant. Would love feedback from anyone who has copper kitchen sink.
  5 answers
  • Nakedframes Nakedframes on Dec 15, 2016

    I , absolutely, love my copper sink! However, it will patina as copper does. It can scratch like any other metal. It can stain but is easily fixed with copper cleaner. Read up on caring for a copper sink before purchasing. I found to keep it looking shiny and new was not worth the effort and would not last very long. I found the patina look has a charm of its own.

  • Lisa Rosi Lisa Rosi on Dec 15, 2016

    Thanks for the information

  • I personally love copper, but it does take more upkeep than a porcelain sink. Fruit and vegetables with a lot of acid can be troublesome - tomatoes, any citrus fruits. Depends upon what you want and level of maintenance.

  • Kayte Kayte on Dec 22, 2016

    I love my copper sink! I don't worry about keeping it shiny. Honestly, I don't worry about it at all. Ha! It seems to have a mind of it's own and looks a bit different from day to day. I enjoy that. I've found that some metals, such as aluminum pans will react with the copper, so I try to remember to not leave those things sitting in the sink. They will turn the copper black! But, the good news... it doesn't stay black.

    I've also had occasions where something acidic stripped the patina back to bright copper penny color. The first time, I was upset. Random spots like that aren't that pretty, to me. But, I quickly learned that within a week, that's gone and a lovely new color has taken it's place. The sink is like a piece of art, always in motion, always changing.

    The only 'maintenance' I do is to dry it with a towel after using it. I have hard water and don't want hard water deposits on it. It's actually a habit that I enjoy. The sink is so pretty, it's a pleasure to just enjoy it for that extra minute.

  • Lisa Elias Lisa Elias on Dec 27, 2016

    if you have treated water (reverse osmosis) RO drinking water, it will cause the copper to dissolve over time. that is why they use plastic pipes for that type of water. Just an FYI