Tip:How to Remove Burned Food From Stainless Steel Cookware

It's been a long time since I made a terrible cooking mistake...until last week. Thinking I didn't have enough time to use the slow cooker, I made a big pot of beef stew in my stainless steel Dutch oven before heading out to church Sunday night. I set the heat as low as it would go, and left confident we'd have delicious stew waiting when we returned home in a couple of hours.
What we were welcomed by instead, was the acrid smell of burned food.

It. Was. Awful!

Once the stew remains were dumped and the pot cooled, I used my tried and true method for saving the pot - distilled white vinegar.

Here's how it works: Pour in enough vinegar to cover the burned residue and allow to sit overnight. If you have thick clumps, you may want to chisel those off with a butter knife. Pour off the vinegar and loosened clumps, then set to work on the stains with a steel wool scourer and dish soap. Admittedly, this requires some elbow grease, but it does work - and even though the meal is a loss, the cookware isnt! My Dutch oven is as clean as ever and back in the cabinet now.

Note: I've only tried this on stainless steel.
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