Asked on Feb 08, 2017

What can I do about the space between my wall and my bed?

by Mondo
There is a space between the wall and the bed and things are always falling down there...
  11 answers
  • Mary Mary on Feb 09, 2017

    case head board or push your bed closer to the wall. I am guess you already have a head board

  • Cathy Soukup Cathy Soukup on Feb 10, 2017

    I'm assuming you mean the long edge of the bed?

    If the problem is that your mattress isn't as wide as the frame, you could make or buy bolster pillows to fill the gap.

    If the problem is that, for whatever reason, the bed frame cannot be set close enough to the wall, you might build a "sofa table", the length of the mattress, with a shelf on top and a plywood front. Make it the same height as your headboard/footboard, or at least a foot higher than the mattress. Paint or stain.

  • Rozanne Rozanne on Feb 10, 2017

    put a 10 or 12" long as your matress...... under the matress (not the box springs)on the side in question.....the board will hit the wall and things will only fall a short distance to the board.

  • Donna Donna on Feb 10, 2017

    I bought my sister some wedge- shaped pillows from LTD Catalog, because her little dogs could get stuck between the mattress and the head and footboards. They fit perfectly in the gap. You can find Ltd online, too.

  • Deb K Deb K on Apr 02, 2023

    Hi Mondo, hope this helps you out. Got to the dollar store and pick up some pool noodles, cut to the proper width and add them into the space.

  • Mogie Mogie on Apr 03, 2023

    Why not just push the bed against the wall or move it further away fromt he wall either choice will give you a new perspective.

  • Redcatcec Redcatcec on Oct 05, 2023

    I like the idea of a board the length of the mattress, under the mattress pushed up against the wall, things will fall but only to the depth of the mattress.

  • Dee Dee on Oct 05, 2023

    Is your bed frame on correctly? The metal ones have edges that push right up against the wall. If it is backwards, the mattress will move away from the wall and slip towards the footing.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Jan 15, 2024

    Fill in the gaps by fixing a plexi sheet of perspex to the back of the headboard, or attach a solid beadboard or fill the gap with a shelf etc.

  • Mogie Mogie on Jan 15, 2024

    Mount the headboard directly on the wall and push the bed up tightly against the wall. Just check the bed everyday when you make it.

  • If you are talking about the space between the mattress and the wall, I get it. We have baseboard heating and so we have that same gap. It's a touch one since we can't block the space due to the radiator that needs airflow. I did buy a large bolster pillow though and when I'm on the bed, I use the pillow so my glasses, books, etc. don't fall down. I move it to the foot of the bed when not in use.