Asked on Mar 09, 2017

How do you prioritize when you only have small pockets of time?

Hillela G.
by Hillela G.
I often have a big project that I want to attempt but only small pockets of time each day to get them done. Has this ever happened to you? How do you prioritize and plan to split up a big project into little pockets of time?

Thank you for your support and help!!
  5 answers
  • Deb21450056 Deb21450056 on Mar 09, 2017

    This is tough, but can be done. I call it "baby steps." Do just a small amount during each pocket of time and soon you will see progress being made toward completion.

  • Baby steps is right! I have this problem as well, I make sure that I spend 30 mins. to an hour each night before bedtime doing something I enjoy. (me time). A painting project may take a week because I am waiting for coats of paint to dry. I find that the projects may actually turn out better because I am concentrating on one part and not rushing through it. The toughest part for me is finding time to sit at the sewing machine, it's hard to break some of those projects into little bits and then trying to remember where you left off.

  • Sal3170064 Sal3170064 on Mar 10, 2017

    I think that if you try multitasking your house work you might make up some time. For instance in the morning after a shower and before breakfast, i sort out washing from upstairs, I dress, then I bring the wash down and immediately put it in the machine.

    While my coffee is brewing I will have emptied the dishwasher. Then i breakfast , the plates etc will be able to go straight in the now empty dishwasher. Breakfast over deal with the newly washed linen. Then sepetate into 10 minute jobs. It doesn't take long to dust or hoover a room.

    Think when going upstairs what do you need to take up, i.e clean washing. My stairs is used a lot to put items on to take up., As I tidy around the house, this way you can grab something as you go to the toilet etc it saves a lot of time, get other members doing it also, if they can put it away then great if not then just ask them to take the items up any time they see something on the stairs. I then enjoy my free time to see etc. As to those projects you can't finish keep a diary and write what you are doing and the next step to do. This way you can keep tabs on where you left off.

  • Elaine Elaine on Jun 18, 2017

    I find I can waste too much time on a computer! They are a wonderful invention BUT can be real time wasters! Go on a "computer diet" and limit yourself to checking emails twice a day - in mid morning and mid afternoon or evening. I got way more done in a day before computers were invented!!

    Just stay focused on one little job at a time. Say, you have messy kitchen drawers .... promise yourself you will clean out and tidy one drawer a night. At the end of the week, just seeing that will spur you on. Messy closets are my big problem so I try and zero in on ONE thing in the closet - one day, it might be blouses, another day, it might be skirts, and so on. Good Luck!

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 18, 2017

    My mama told me, You'll find time for what is really important to you. I have found that right. We are all given the same 24 hours a day, and pretty much most of us think we are too busy to do everything. But if we can eliminate some of the less important things, we can find time for ourselves, which is often the most neglected thing. And you are important. If you need to send your laundry out to be done, you've probably gained more time than the cost to have laundry done. If you can have a housekeeper come in twice a month or more, don't obsess about what you are not doing. Use that time for yourself. My husband still spends several hours a month paying bills. I could do it much faster online, but he feels like he has a little control if he holds the bills in his hand. So we both want the bills paid, but I feel my time is more important than the time he takes. And I am enjoying doing DIY and participating in Hometalk and a few other interests, so useless worrying had to go by the wayside, and I don't miss it. Best wishes, @HillelaG. I hope HT is one of your important things, but if it is not, drop it! Best wishes 😇