Help what can I spray on my body to deter fleas from biting me?

by Susan
Just found out that all of the sudden I am highly allergic to flea bites, and in 3 weeks time have had 2 steroid injections, and 2 rounds of steroids pills. I get this crazy, itchy, red rash all over, from the flea bites., and only 1 flea bite starts my allergic reaction, and I begin to go crae crae.

Any tip for sprays, pills, or home remedies that I can spray on my body, while I fight this flea infestation??? (Hometalkers thanks for all your fabulous ideas for treating the fleas in my home, yard, and on my dog cats!) I have just started treating yard, home, pets, and wanted to protect myself from jumping, nasty biting fleas, while I begin the termination of fleas in my home! Many thanks!
  6 answers
  • Doris Doris on Apr 19, 2017

    A flea infestation............I feel for you. I went through this a few years ago. The best product I used was a spray I got from the vet's office, which of course was expensive, but worked! I suffered from the flea bites too, was very itchy and would get red and a little swollen. I didn't think there was anything to take for that. Have you re-searched it online, or what does your doctor say? My son had run-ins with poison ivy a few times when he was younger, and an oatmeal bath (you can buy it at department stores) helped with that, so I have to wonder if it might help you with the flea bites too, to at least help relieve the itch? Seems your doctor should have good recommendations. Good luck. I guess the way to prevent this is to make sure your pets get their flea prevention treatments too. Don't use those flea collars though! They are not recommended, especially when cats for instance go outside........the collars which are not the quick realease kind can get caught on things and choke the animal. Plus I've heard that with those the fleas simply go to another area of the animal, away from the collar, AND......some animals' skin can also get very irritated in the area the collar is thus creating another problem! Good luck!

  • Beryl Howse Beryl Howse on Apr 19, 2017

    You could try lemon citrus spray. Fleas don't like the scent of lemon and will avoid things with this smell. To relieve the itch from bites I use pure coconut oil.

  • Colleen Sturma Reynolds Colleen Sturma Reynolds on Apr 19, 2017

    essential oils, peppermint, lemon, clove mix a few drops in some coconut oil and spray on you. Eucalyptus oil is also good for itching.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on Apr 19, 2017

    I have heard Lavender oil as well.

  • Barbara Lynn Vaughan Barbara Lynn Vaughan on Apr 21, 2017

    lemon grass oil

  • Angela Ley Angela Ley on Apr 21, 2017

    peppermint oil works well. Mix some essential oil in a sprayer with water.