How to grow grass from seed?

by Ton5250856
  2 answers
  • You need to know the process?

    Ground needs to be rototilled, leveled and / or sloped properly. If soil is too sandy, add stuff in, too clay like, add something else - it really depends on the quality of your starting soil or dirt. Depending upon where you live and the type of grass seed being used you should consult a local nursery, County Extension.

    Where I live we overseed and add topper and keep damp until they germinate and become established. Where one of my girlfriends lives, they put peat moss down first, then seed then topper. Another friend uses something else, and now I forget.

    So as you can see a mixed bag of possible applications. Do some research and chat with friends and neighbors and check with a local garden center.

  • Janet Pizaro Janet Pizaro on May 16, 2017

    long process. first if you soil needs amended that must be done .Recommended and necessary procedures.....if the soil is not clay and just lacking add topsoil,palletized lime,work into the ground ,apply starter fertilizer,grass seed and cover with peat moss,keep well watered until the seed fully germinates.