Can soft bendable plastic be cleaned?

Francine Nault
by Francine Nault
My friend has a string of lights that look like flower petals in soft plastic with a tiny lightbulb inserted in the middle and the petals used to be clear but over the years they all turned yellow from smoking in the house. Is there a product on the market she could buy or make one at home to clean them?
  5 answers
  • If the petals are removable take them off and give them a good soak in vinegar. If not very carefully take an old wash cloth and dip in vinegar and clean that way careful not to get vinegar in the socket. You can always use painters tape beforehand to be sure. Wipe the cord portion theu the washcloth also. Then rinse the cloth off with hot water and repeat to get the vinegar off.

  • Joanna Joanna on May 18, 2017

    Remove the plastic "petal shades" and throw them in a large basin or even a bath tub with warm water, Dawn and some vinegar. Use a soft brush on any hard to clean areas otherwise allow them to soak for awhile.

  • Galena Galena on May 18, 2017

    Spray with lemon juice to clean and place in the sun to brighten or until you have the desired color!

  • Kathy Kathy on May 25, 2017

    I have used my dishwasher to clean soft plastic, ball caps, baby toys, etc

  • Lori Nunez Lori Nunez on May 29, 2017

    I have put many things through the dishwasher to clean and brighten. Be sure to let dry thoroughly.