How do you get rid of grubs in the garden?

by TreasRseeker
what have you found useful in protecting your plants from being devoured by grubs?
  3 answers
  • Sandy Sandy on May 21, 2017

    Use snail and slug bait, there are organic types which are safe to use. I use Natural.

  • Rosanne Rosanne on May 21, 2017

    I would use a bag of diatomaceous (DE) earth.

    Most garden centers sell this in powdered form.

    DON'T apply/sprinkle on a windy day!

  • Vljefferson Vljefferson on May 21, 2017

    Use 2 parts alcohol, 5 parts water and 1teaspoon of liquid dish detergent. Put in spray bottle. Shake to mix.You can prepare this solution and spray on plants and also pour some around base of plants.