How do I stop chipmunks from digging around my house foundation?

by Lam8351188
  4 answers
  • one method is to sprinkle mothballs or moth ball flakes, many people I know trap them in humane traps and then drive them to a large park far from the house and release them.

    • Lam8351188 Lam8351188 on May 22, 2017

      Thx you for the suggestion

      As I have lots! Of chipmunks traping is not an option

  • Pam Walker Pam Walker on May 23, 2017

    GO to your local feed & seed store. Get some big cat urine in a spray paint can. Spray the whole perimeter of your house & yard with it. The scent will drive them away. They will think a cat is near & won't come close to it. And, don't worry, the animals can smell it far greater than humans can. GOOD LUCK! :) (It also works around the perimeter of gardens too to keep out varmints that eat your growing veggies)

  • Just peachy Just peachy on May 23, 2017

    If you like cats, the cat will do the job.

  • Lam8351188 Lam8351188 on May 23, 2017

    : )

    I love cats!
