What do you fertilize lilacs with make them bloom?

Jeanett Prater
by Jeanett Prater
  1 answer
  • Sharon Susa Courchesne Sharon Susa Courchesne on May 24, 2017

    1. Inspect the lilac branches in late winter. Fertilize once the buds turn green and begin to swell, but before they open and new growth begins.

    2. Sprinkle a low-nitrogen fertilizer, such as a 5-10-10 or 5-10-5 blend, around the drip line of the shrub. The drip line is where the outer leaves drip when wet, usually at least 10 inches out from the trunk. Use the least amount of fertilizer recommended on the package label for the size of your lilac.

    3. Turn the fertilizer into the top 1 or 2 inches of soil with a hoe. Turning in the granules allows them to dissolve in the soil instead of washing away during rain or irrigation.

    4. Water the lilac after application so the fertilizer can begin dissolving and leeching into the root zone.

    Lilacs don't require fertilization the year they are planted. Begin an annual fertilizer application the spring following planting when the shrubs are one year old. Organic mulches, such as wood chips, keep down weeds, preserve moisture and minimize disease risks. These mulches also add trace nutrients to the soil as they decompose.