I read somewhere that to prevent slugs from attacking my hostas was

by Susan
to place crushed egg shells around the hosta...
should do this in the spring, or anytime

  7 answers
  • BillieandRob Linhart BillieandRob Linhart on Jun 23, 2017

    Take a shallow container, such as a sour cream or yogurt cup, and bury it so that it is even with the soil level," explains Seattle-based gardening expert Willi Evans Galloway, "Then fill the container with beer to within an inch of the rim. The slugs crawl in and drown." For best results, change the beer every few days.

    You might try this as well:


  • Bgoncalves5670 Bgoncalves5670 on Jun 23, 2017

    Salt around the perimeter. Will not cross and or on them will 😥 kill them. But what do you do?? Right.

  • Cheryl Cheryl on Jun 23, 2017

    Skisusan - I think your post may be missing the last part of the sentence. We don't know what you 'read somewhere', so answering is problematic. Copper, diatomaceous earth, crushed eggshells....? All those work if done properly or consistently. The copper can't be a wire, but must be a wider strip and best used on raised or defined beds - something you can attach it to all the way around. Diatomaceous earth works, but must be re-applied each time it gets wet. Crunched well, still sharp (not powdered) eggshells also work if applied fairly thickly, and replenished when disappearing into soil.

    I have not personally used the copper strip, so you should look that one up. Diatomaceous earth needs too much replenishing in my rainy, humid climate - but might be ideal in a more arid climate. It disappears when it's wet.

    I use the eggshells. Rinse them after cracking to get the (later sticky) egg off and let dry. Then crunch them down in a container and keep adding. You can also put the dry shells in a food processor for a second, but be careful not to powder them! You need small pieces with sharp edges to cut the body of the slug. Apply at the plant base and out about 2-3 inches. Missed areas will let the slugs through. Replenish as needed. I had some friends save theirs for me, too. Also supplies calcium to soil.

  • Nancy Turner Nancy Turner on Jun 23, 2017

    You question got cut off, but there are a number of things you can do. A small bowl of beer at ground level so they can get into it and they will drown themselves. Diatomaceous earth sprinkled on the soil around the plants, and crushed egg shells are a deterrent as they will not cruise across sharp to get to the plants.

  • Doris Doris on Jun 23, 2017

    Crush up some eggshells and sprinkle them around your plants. Not to criticize Bgoncalves5670, but salt may damage your grass or other plants. Eggshells provide additional nutrients to the plants you surround.

  • FL FL on Jun 23, 2017

    Beer & eggshells, right? These items are typical ways to deal with slugs. Scatter broken eggshells around plants and it will deter slugs because the shells hurt their bodies when they try to crawl over them. Beer left in shallow pans attract slugs by the smell and they fall in and drown. Put the bowl into the ground so the rim is level to the ground. Good luck!

  • William William on Jun 23, 2017

    Sink a few bowls or plates in the ground level with the surface. Fill the bowls/plates with (cheap) beer. The yeast attracts the slugs. They drink their fill and drown. Not their sorrows

    Anything you can make it uncomfortable for the slugs/snails to crawl on will deter them. A combination of solutions from everyone here should take care of them.

    Broken nutshells work in the same way as egg shells when getting rid of slugs. Break up the nutshells into small pieces, and create a protective barrier around your plants. Any slugs that come near your vegetables will soon turn the other way.

    Crushed egg shells work as a great home remedy of slugs. This is because slugs don’t like moving across sharp objects, although it isn’t not impossible for them to do, they just prefer not to. Break up the empty egg shells into small(ish) pieces and place around the flowers, plants, vegetables, and fruits you want to keep safe from slug damage.

    Ash and Cinders make a rough protective barrier, and the fine ash also acts as a desiccant that dries the slug out. Wood ash and cinders are preferable. Avoid direct contact with plants.

    Grit and Gravel. The sharp rasping edges of finely crushed ‘horticultural grit’ makes an excellent slug barrier. Coarser gravel is largely ineffective, other than for decorative purposes.

    Sandpaper. Cut rings of sandpaper and slip them round the stems of vulnerable plants.

    Sawdust makes a good coarse barrier around tender plants, also acting as a desiccant that dries the slug out. Hardwood sawdust is most effective, and some people recommend cedar or oak.

    Copper Rings or Discs. Solid copper rings/discs of various diameter, used to encircle single or small groups of plants to inflict a mild electric shock on the unsuspecting slug. Look for rings that clip together. These are easy to slip round established plant stems, or join together to form a larger barrier.