I have a water softner. will it affect my plants when I water them?

by Car21622458
  5 answers
  • Lora Lora on Jun 23, 2017

    A typical water softener uses a lot of salt in the water. If it's that type, then yes, it will build up in the soil and most likely kill the plant.

  • Zoe Emiko Zoe Emiko on Jun 23, 2017

    Yes, it will and not in a good way. Plants can't tolerate high amounts of salt. Remember it's one of the things used to kill plants, grass and weeds. The high levels of sodium in softened water tricks the plants into thinking they've absorbed more water than they actually have. Your plants will end up dying of thirst. Crazy as it sounds, it's true. I learned by experience. I killed my entire new lawn by watering it with softened water. Considering it was turf we'd had laid, it was one heck of an expensive lesson! You'll need to split off your water at the main. One goes to the softener for household water, the other goes to your outdoor sources. Remember to water any indoor plants with un-softened water also.

  • Bobbie Bobbie on Jun 23, 2017

    Many homeowners choose to install water softening units to remove the unwanted minerals. ... The lack of minerals in softened water will not harm the garden. ... The best option for watering your garden plants is natural rainfall. ...



  • Dfm Dfm on Jun 23, 2017

    Yes. Salt water will kill green growing plants. all indoor taps will have the softened water....the outside taps probably not. When I moved to my current place...it didn't register the tap water was softened...it is not something done in this more modern times.

    Yes i killed a few seedlings. I had a plumber hook up an outdoor waterline to a basement tap where I over winter the geraniums. I put a camping type water filter on one side of the y connector to use for drinking water. It kinda sucks...for drinking water I fill up clean milk jugs.

  • Heather Penny McFadden Heather Penny McFadden on Jun 23, 2017

    Not all indoor taps have a soft ER, only if it is installed that way!.