When paper hanging. Where in the room is the best place to start

Val Mead
by Val Mead
When paper hanging. Where in the room is the best place to start
One wall has a window in the middle of the wall and two walls have a door in each corner. Thanks

  9 answers
  • There are a number of formulas to use, all depending on the width of your paper. Typically I start in the middle of the wall (centering the paper), and work my way out. Some say this is incorrect. All a matter of preferance. This video will help!


  • 17335038 17335038 on Jun 23, 2017

    Start by drawing a plumb line (made with a weight and chalked string) slightly less wide than one wallpaper panel width.

    From the edge of the plumb line on your left, work across the wall to the corner.

    Do not try to start from the wall corner without first setting your plumb line. As no wall is ever perfectly straight (especially with any windows or doors in it). If you begin without first starting straight, with each panel, your work will become more off grain, and will be very hard to flatten and eliminate overlap.

    When you have reached the corner, then you can go back to the left side and put on your panel, butting it up against the wall corner. Push the panel into the corner to mark your cut off line well, before cutting, as wall corners also are rarely straight.

    Begin new again using the same method on each wall.

    Always use a sharp (xacto type knife made especially for cutting wallpaper) blade, and change your blade often to permit nice clean cuts around the window and door trim. When you feel that the blade is tugging, or pulling at the paper instead of slicing through, it is time to change to a new blade.

  • Sco19943475 Sco19943475 on Jun 23, 2017

    the plumb line is very important. I was taught to start near corner that's out of eye contact when entering the room. That way if you are out of alignment at end, it won't be first thing you see entering. Good luck!

  • Mary Ann Windsor Mary Ann Windsor on Jun 23, 2017

    Regardless of where you start you are going to need a level. In most houses corners are not square. I personally like to start over a door or a window because if you are new to wallpapering you are beginning with a smaller piece of paper that will help you get used to positioning a wet piece of paper squarely on the wall. Measure over from your starting point the width of your paper and get yourself a straight level line using your level. Start from that straight line, placing wall paper down it so your first piece is straight and level.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jun 23, 2017

    These are all excellent pieces of advice and good videos, too. I found one on YouTube at DoItYourself.com/stry/wallpaper/wheretostart.There were several more with each of the steps in its own video. Best wishes 😇

  • When I took a wall paper class, they told use to start in a corner opposite the door since that is where most people will look first. Once you have that piece correct, all the others will follow correctly.

  • Brenda Brenda on Jun 25, 2017

    The least conspicuous corner

  • Pal26265063 Pal26265063 on Jun 25, 2017

    Start in the corner where door is to come into the bedroom.