How do I get rid of aphids ?

by Annie
  5 answers
  • Elizabeth Dion Elizabeth Dion on Jun 24, 2017

    A blast of water from your hose will knock them off.

  • Laura-lee Carey Laura-lee Carey on Jun 24, 2017

    Thank you all for the answers . I'm going to try the soap shavings if that doesn't work I will try the hair ...ick but I want my Hostas back

    • Cori Widen Cori Widen on Jun 25, 2017

      Haha, the hair really works but a lot of people find that the soap works, too - definitely try that first :D Good luck!

  • Elizabeth Mitchell Elizabeth Mitchell on Jun 25, 2017

    I use dish soap mixed with water and spray the plants with this mixture. Where you have aphids you will usually find ants as well and ants farm aphids so you need to get rid of the ants as well by using ant spray or sprinkling hot chilli peppers around the bottom of the plant.

  • 861650 861650 on Jun 25, 2017

    This is for Elizabeth Mitchell. I use baby powder to kill ants in my house. Think that will do the trick outside? Otherwise, I'll just buy the hot chilli peppers. I have to spray my Hostas everyday and even spray under the leaves with the dish soap and water but those aphids always come back. A couple of years ago I found your recipe for aphids and the article said not to spray the ground. Do not remember the reason why but I'm guessing it does something to the dirt that affects the plant. Oh well, still recovering from those nasty voles that attacked my plants last year.

  • I hose them off of my daisies every couple of days.