How do you know what are weeds and what aren't in flower garden?

Once I've planted my flowers and marked them w a small stick wrapped in white pipe cleaner, the weather either dislodges them, etc. Not being a professional gardener by any means, I then have trouble ffiguring out the weeds from my planted bulbs or seeds. How do I know I'm pulling the weeds out and not my flowers ple.. Thank you
Ms. Melanie Metcalfe

  1 answer
  • Beth1963 Beth1963 on Jun 26, 2017

    It takes practice. You should look up online what your flowers should look like in varying stages. Learn what their first set of leaves are supposed to look like for starters, and keep studying. You'll be a novice gardener in no time! Then a master gardener. And even then you might have to wait until your flowers and your weeds are big enough to identify.