How do you stop a woodpecker that is trying to get in the house?

by MarieM
Tried a plastic owl...balls of aluminum foil, Hit the wall...and it is aggressive!

  7 answers
  • Sharon Sharon on Jul 11, 2017

    Sounds like a Thresher, persistent buggers, I put 1/4" hardware screen along my soffit to finally deter them.

  • Linda Linda on Jul 11, 2017

    Hang scare tape up. You can get it at Amazon and it's pretty cheap.

  • Ellis Ellis on Jul 11, 2017

    One of the reasons they peck is to get at insects. Make sure you don't have an infestation of carpenter ants, etc.

  • Beth Beth on Jul 11, 2017

    Try a plastic falcon or hawk ,we had crazy birds destroying our inscet screens. My research, if the attacks are at night use an owl. If your problem is in daylight hours use a falcon or hawk . Our hawk has been up for 3 months and not a single attack.

  • Joanie Joanie on Jul 11, 2017

    That sounds spooky to reminded me of the "Birds", the thriller movie, from back in the day.......BOO!

  • SandyG SandyG on Jul 11, 2017

    We have carpenter bees that have drilled into our deck and the woodpeckers are trying to get to the larvae in the wood. We tried bright shiny, moving beads, streamers and snakes and owls, none which kept them away. DH patched over some of the carpenter bee holes in the deck with auto Bondo patch and they still kept pecking away. Last resort, he sprayed neem oil in the remaining bee holes to kill the larvae. Have not had a woodpecker for about two weeks.

  • Barbara Murphy Barbara Murphy on Jul 11, 2017

    I had that problem only to find out later he was after the termites that were behind the woodwork he was pecking on!!! In the end i was glad because I had no idea the house had active termites & it could have been a lot worse! Good luck!