How do I propagate my trimmings from my forsythia bush.

by Gra14001685
  6 answers
  • Judy Judy on Jul 21, 2017

    What is propagate? If you want to trim, then just put them into a garbage can. If you want to start new bushes, cut the branch on a angle and place it into a jar of water, and have several together, and they will root. Always check the water, and keep it clean, for this won't take time at all. Best wishes, J.

  • Purchase some rooting hormone at a nursery or home improvement store.

  • Jewellmartin Jewellmartin on Jul 22, 2017

    @Judy, you figured it out. Propagate means to start new plants, especially using cuttings or starters. You gave clear, easy directions. Bless you 😇

  • B DYE B DYE on Jul 22, 2017

    I take them as a group and wrap them in newspaper, then wet and keep wet the the bundle of trimmins takes a few weeks. Take your trimmings below the new growth meets the old growth. when the the feelers arrive take the cuttings and plant. Just make a slit in the ground and insert gently close slit.


  • Michelle Clark Michelle Clark on Jul 24, 2017

    I clip them in spring just before the new blossoms 'pop'. Put them I'm a tepid shower for a few minutes, and then, as above, wrap in newspapers, put in black plastic trash bag, when the buds pop, you can put them on display and the roots will follow soon after.