What plants and shrubs require the least care? Not very good with plats but I would like my yard to look nice.

Diane O
by Diane O
  8 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jun 04, 2011
    You can certainly have an easy-care and nice-looking yard, Diane. Virginia Cooperative Extension publishes a list of problem-free shrubs, and I think that would be a good place for you to start and see what appeals to you. They have been chosen for their relative disease- and insect-free qualities and their desirable horticultural attributes. The list includes several native plants recommended by the Virginia Native Plant Society, and I would particularly commend those to you. http://pubs.ext.vt.edu/450/450-236/450-236.html
  • James A James A on Jun 04, 2011
    Perennials are great. You plant and weed the area ever so often and fertilize, but other than that they are self sustaining. Daylillies are great, the hybrids come in an array of colors and give you a new flower a day all summer. Can't find a guy to do that!
  • Deeie F Deeie F on Jun 04, 2011
    boston ferns make great low maintance hanging baskets
  • Jennifer M Jennifer M on Jun 04, 2011
    I'm in Va Beach as well. I've had a lot of luck with hostas, roses, & hydrangeas. Just be sure to put them in the correct lighting required by the plant. Good luck!
  • Andrew H Andrew H on Jun 04, 2011
    Take a look at loropetalums.
  • Ana S Ana S on Jun 04, 2011
    I live in the Tidewater Virginia area and Azaleas might be a good option. They require minimal care and provide a nice show of flowers in the spring.
  • Diane S Diane S on Oct 07, 2011
    Diane S Elizabeth City, NC). Crepe Myrtle trees are draught tolerant, come in many beautiful colors, and range in size from 2' up to 25" more or less. Many highways throughout NC are lined with these gorgeous trees because of the draught tolerance and low maintenance. Make sure you prune them properly and don't murder the Myrtles.
  • Judith A Judith A on Jan 06, 2012
    crepe myrtles are my favorites. we have them along our drive and they give excellent privacy from nosey neighbors.