How make butterfly bush into additional plants?

by Patricia
  6 answers
  • Kate Kate on Aug 22, 2017

    Wait a year if you are not in a hurry, mine have babies every year and I end up pulling plants out.

  • Fiddledd224 Fiddledd224 on Aug 22, 2017

    1. Take cuttings in spring after new growth appears. Bend the tip of a fresh branch that is free of mildew and insects. If it snaps off with a clean break, it’s ready. If it just bends or tears off, wait another week and try again. Don't wait until new growth becomes woody.

    2. Cut off the tip of a stem that is about 6 inches long and has four to six sets of leaves. Make a sharp, clean cut at a slight angle, about 1/4 inch below a set of leaves. Do this in the morning hours, a couple days after a good rain or watering. This is when the shrub is well-hydrated.

    3. Pinch the leaves from the bottom 3 inches of the stem. Then, dip the exposed stem in a rooting hormone so that the cut end and severed leaf bases are coated. Rooting hormone is available in powdered or liquid form. Pour out a small amount on a disposable plate or cup, use and discard the excess. This keeps the unused portion in the container free from contamination.

    4. Plant the cutting 3 inches deep in a light, moist potting medium made from equal parts perlite or coarse sand and peat moss. You can also use just coarse sand. Dig a hole with your finger or pencil and carefully insert the cutting without rubbing off the rooting solution. Loosely pack the medium around the cutting with two fingers. Space multiple cuttings about 3 inches apart.

    5. Place a couple of tall sticks around the cutting to protect it. Then, wrap a clear plastic bag around the entire pot and set in an area that receives bright light, but not direct sunlight. Condensation will start to accumulate in the bag. When the condensation disappears, this indicates that the soil is dry. Water the cuttings slowly until the soil is moistened thoroughly.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Aug 22, 2017

    n soil and water and then wait.Cut under a leaf node. Strip all leaves accept top pair. Dip in water and then Rooting powder and then plant and water and wait and see if it grows...............

  • JB JB on Aug 23, 2017

    Don't cut the bush back until the spring and the seeds from the flowers will fall and reseed. In the spring/summer look for little seedling growing.

  • Joan Kelley Joan Kelley on Aug 23, 2017

    In Oregon the butterfly bush is considered an invasive species.