Asked on Feb 17, 2014

Remove hair dye from light wood that has been bleached

by Funnygirl
Bleached wood cabinet hit with hair dye any ideas to remove it with stripping wood and starting from scratch.Staining darker is not an option.have tried peroxide !bleach comet!mineral spirits and anything else I can think of
  1 answer
  • Your best bet it is to go to a professional refinishing company that strips wood for a living. They have special bleaching agents that perhaps can be used. Also you may need to use paint stripper on the offended area that will remain in place due to being a gel form. Simply wiping the stain with the liquid will do little to remove it. The bleaching product or paint stripper will need to remain there for some time in order for it to be successful. You will never get it all out also. You will need to sand the surface as part of the cleanup project. Hair dyes are nasty. Wife works for company that manufactures them and just about everything that this stuff has come into contact with has been ruined.