I had some of my window pane crack after I glued on glass dishes. Help

by Linda
  2 answers
  • Rose Broadway Rose Broadway on Sep 13, 2017

    Were they windows that are in your house or panes that you have gotten to decorate with. If it's windows that keep the heat and cold out of your house they probably need to be replaced.

  • Kim Kim on Sep 13, 2017

    If it is a wooden window, you can easily replace the glass.

    You will need :

    a new piece of glass cut to size

    glazing points

    glazing compound

    A flat tipped screwdriver

    and a damp rag

    Remove all of the glass, glazing, and glazing points.

    ***Do you have a small strip of wood instead of glazing putty? Great! You will need glue, a pair of pliers and a small hammer instead of glazing supplies.

    Carefully pry up the wood strips without breaking them and set them aside.

    Clean the surface where your glass is going and lay glass in place.

    For glazing: push in glazing points with your screwdriver spacing them close to the original way the points were installed. Use your glazing putty by making a tiny rope and pressing into corner along glass and wood all the way around. Make sure there are no gaps. Wash the glass and you are done!

    For those little strips of wood, carefully pull or push the nails until the pointy ends are almost flush with the surface. Apply a super tiny amount of glue (elmers is fine) on the tips of the nails and install them back where they came from. Carefully tap the nails all the way in and allow for time to dry the glue before washing the glass.

    Hope that helps

    : )