Can you paint over wallpaper?

Norma Burns
by Norma Burns
the walls weren't properly prepared, so it damages the wall when you try to remove it. how do you keep seams from showing?

  5 answers
  • William William on Oct 22, 2017

    AHA! No sizing or primer and wallpaper ove raw drywall. If the seams are flat no problem. If the seams are noticeable. Lightly sand them jus to smooth them out. Then use a good stain blocking prime. It should cover the seams. Then paint with your color.

  • Judy Jensen Judy Jensen on Oct 22, 2017

    rent a wallpaper steamer from Home Depot to take off wallpaper. When dry patch the dings with plaster patch. Sand smooth. Prime all the the spots or the whole wall since it sounds like it never was done. Then paint or wallpaper to your hearts content.

  • 62q10370829 62q10370829 on Oct 22, 2017

    Wall paper will peel off if painted if cheap paper. Try fabric softener & water spray on wall paper & let set a few minutes & then you should be able to tske first layer off & then scrape off in small areas at a time. Take putty knife edge & put light cuts in wall paper to soak the stuff under it. Good luck.

  • Ginny Ginny on Oct 22, 2017

    Try to strip wallpaper first because I had the same problem many yrs. ago and was told that when you steam wallpaper you can also take off the top layer of wallboard/sheetrock at the same time. I did paint over wallpaper but it looked awful.

    In my hallway previous owners had applied two layers of paper so I ended up installing real barnsiding instead. It is there to this day, 40 yrs. later.

  • Hillela G. Hillela G. on Oct 23, 2017

    Best not to