How to repair laminate flooring where laminate has chipped off

by Fp822278976
Mostly in the corner or the very edge of a plank

  4 answers
  • FL FL on Nov 22, 2017

    "Many laminate flooring issues are generally covered under the floor's warranty. Wear and tear and damage caused by unrecommended use or accidents are not often on the list of warranty coverages. Scratches, chips and cracks caused by daily use do occasionally happen. They do not mean your floor is destroyed. You do not have to live with even the most minor flaws in your flooring. Learning how to repair laminate flooring is possible for those who hesitate to call in a professional or want to avoid the price tag that comes with it."

  • Ken Ken on Nov 22, 2017

    Doesn't that just frost your cornflakes? Not a fan of the laminate stuff and they sell it as being so durable.

    I'm assuming that you have no warranty? Most carry a very long warranty for such issues and that should be your first plan of attack.

    We're assuming that it looks bad because of a difference in color, no? In that case there are a number of products out there to help mask the damage. They are made for furniture. It won't repair the damage, just make it less noticeable.

  • Johnavallance82 Johnavallance82 on Nov 22, 2017

    Put a trim around the room