Leveling concrete floor in garage

by Marcia
We are converting our garage into a family room. The floor is about 4 inches lower than than the rest of the house with a slight slope towards the driveway. What is the best way to level the floor and who would I contact?
  3 answers
  • You cannot put cement on it to do this as the floor in the garage most likely was not insulated. So A carpenter will need to frame the floor out to level, insulate it then put plywood over the framing. Be sure he puts plastic down first so no moisture comes up from the floor below and wrap the plastic up the sides to the boards that are fastened to the walls.
  • Linda 4 Real Linda 4 Real on Feb 25, 2015
    You need a masonry specialist and there is a bonding agent that is used to bond old and new. Thinning concrete will help with self leveling but if you want a professional finish then definitly get a mason. They are actually not on my he expensive side of labor personel
  • Stefan Stefan on Feb 25, 2015
    A regular concrete guy would know how, just like Linda said.