Insulating a shed for a washer and dryer

Lizzy Bean
by Lizzy Bean
I have a good sized shed that wll hold a washer and dryer (no room in my 420 ft home). I want to know if I should have the shed insulated and drywalled before installing wahser & dryer. I live in Delaware.
  4 answers
  • Betty Betty on Sep 09, 2014
    You might need to check the building code for your municipality. Having stated that, I think you would want to insulate it so the pipes don't freeze in the winter. My brother who lives in San Diego, CA had an uninsulated shed for his washer/dryer, but I think the weather is much milder there than Delaware. I don't know if you need to drywall it; might be more useful if you covered the insulation with pegboard.
  • Hannah V Hannah V on Sep 09, 2014
    I bet @Woodbridge Environmental would know the answer to that! :)
  • Yes you need to insulate this or risk freezing pipes and pumps. Not only insulated, but you need to install a small electrical strip heater or self contained free standing one. Must keep it above freezing. While the weather in DE is not all as bad as farther up north, windy weather when its just below freezing will chill the shed enough to freeze the pipes. I assume this will be attached to the home in some fashion? If not the water pipes also will need to be heat taped and insulated as well. Otherwise you will have real hard water.
  • Ron Ron on Sep 25, 2019

    I have a washer in a closet that abuts the back wall of the house on an enclosed porch that has vinyl- paned sliding panel system (PGT System). The water heater is gas and also in the same closet. The porch is not heated, and the closet is insulated with batting type insulation, but not dry- walled over the batting- batting is exposed. What should be done to keep the pipes and hoses in the closet from freezing and to keep internal washer pipes and washer mechanisms from freezing?