How can you keep floors clean with puppy paws everywhere?

My 8 month old lab puppy carries so much dirt in her paws, I am constantly mopping my kitchen floors! Are there any products (door mats, etc.) out there that can reduce the amount of dirt in her cute paws? Obviously, I could leave her outside, but don't want to do that.
  18 answers
  • Becky H Becky H on Jul 25, 2012
    We use our decks as walk-off areas; each door has a door matt, but that still doesn't stop it all. Generally, dirty paws hit our floor when the grass is wet. So, I stop our dog at the door and wipe his paws when those conditions occur.
  • TheOldPostRoad T TheOldPostRoad T on Jul 25, 2012
    Thank you, Becky - I obviously need to do the paw wipe on an old beach towel.
  • Susan S Susan S on Jul 25, 2012
    So is this your first dog? Just wondered since somehow it escaped you that you might need to wipe his feet!! LOL We keep a few old towels in a basket by our sliding door. That way when it's raining we can wipe his coat off too. Being puppy parents is almost as demanding as kids!!
  • TheOldPostRoad T TheOldPostRoad T on Jul 25, 2012
    I am beginning to think puppies are more demanding than kids! This is our second dog in 12 years, but I just don't remember this messy phase. Am thinking I forgot it on purpose!
  • Becky H Becky H on Jul 25, 2012
    Dogs are more demanding than kids, because dogs remain kids forever. That's probably why we all love them.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 26, 2012
    Hee, hee! We have a 4 year old black lab and she not only makes paw tracks on my kitchen floor, but drops water across the room from her trips to her water bowl! She is so delightful I celebrate the mess. I even photograph it and send photos to friends and families with a giggle. You just can't let it worry you. A paw tracked and water splattered kitchen floor is the least of my worries! Good luck!
  • Chrissi Chrissi on Jul 26, 2012
    I agree with the wiping the paws, I wipe my dogs paws each time she goes out & comes back in. My dog is so used to it she actually pauses & lifts each paw knowing she has to have them wiped off before she can run through the house. If you don't want to do this they do make & sell doggie rubber booties! :0)
  • Kathi P Kathi P on Jul 26, 2012
    I just took my Westie back outside this A.M. to spray his feet w/ the hose! In the winter I pop him into my sink.
  • Becky H Becky H on Jul 26, 2012
    Jeanette S., if you think your Lab drips water...........I've had 2 giant schnauzers. You should see what they can do w/a wet beard!
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jul 26, 2012
    Dirty feet are not a problem here because I have glazed porcelain tile and dirt is very easy to clean up. My two BIG dogs drool & that is why I have a nice steam cleaner. No matter what they do it is OK with me because we love each other and it shows.
  • Carroll A Carroll A on Jul 26, 2012
    I don't have a dog but I do have two long haired shedding cats and hard wood floors. I use this "stick" (Electrolux Ergorapido Ultra 2 In1 Stick Vacuum) at least once a day. I also live in the middle of a bunch of trees, no matter how many time you wipe your feet, there are needles on my floor. My sister also swears by this stick, she has two one up stair and one down.
  • Susan S Susan S on Jul 26, 2012
    So maybe we should all post a pic of our pups!! Actually, mine is in my profile but you just can't see him!!
  • Keeping their feet clean is one thing, But how do you keep them from eating sticks and throwing up in the house? Gunner age 1 We keep a few damp towels near by so we can wipe off his feet. As a puppy he was in and out a lot as we trained him. Now that he is four he will not go out in bad weather unless we kick him out or were going out with him. So no big deal anymore.
  • Jeanette S Jeanette S on Jul 27, 2012
    HA, HA! I am glad to know that mine is not the only messy one! For almost 45 years, we had small poodle mix dogs who are almost without trouble...expensive to groom....but no messes. Then here comes Lab! Wow! She chews up sticks on the back screen porch...cannot understand how she gets such large sticks through that doggie door! That is why I call it the "Guy's porch" and visiting public is never allowed to see is not Better Homes and Garden styled! HA!!
  • Sherrie S Sherrie S on Jul 27, 2012
    How about the big girl dog who loves to find the stinkiest place in 2 acres and roll in it. We have an indoor shower for that. The big boy dog is no problem.
  • Sherry B Sherry B on Jul 27, 2012
    Glad I am not the only one with this problem. We do wipe feet but they still track but not as much since we put pea gravel in where we couldn't get grass to grow:)
  • Our dog finds all the stinky stuff at the barn. He and a bunch of the other barn buddies run off to play somewhere on the 80 acres we keep our horse at. After about two hours, if were lucky they all come back smelling real bad. Its off to the cross ties where we wash the horse to get sprayed down at least good enough so he can ride back in the truck where I end up giving him a real good doggie bath when he gets home.
  • Sheryll S Sheryll S on Feb 07, 2015
    I am holding little Sunshine Mommy Maltese and she had three babies early Christmas Morning and I have the Shadow Daddy Poodle and these babies daddy Skippy The Jack Russell. You think my house is ever clean? Mine are so fast, I can not get their feet cleaned even when I try.... all the other time I am just too tired. And I have four inside kitty kats also.