Baby Drawer with a bath inside the one drawer

Carine vd Watt
by Carine vd Watt
I got this baby cupboard, which you use when the baby is small and the bath is in the top drawer. There is still two drawers left with a small cupboard on the side for the baby's powder and cream and stuff. The top drawer, the one with the bath in, can open and close. So it is covered. I want to do something nice with it!! It is white, and I want to use is to create a nice atmosphere, so if I have to paint it orange, I will do so!!! How can I change it and do something that is not to difficult but nice!! Please help!!!
  1 answer
  • Z Z on Sep 29, 2014
    I have never seen anything like this and not sure how to Google it for more info, so please share a photo with us so we can help you, Carine.