Building a Tiki bar from pallets

David Rundle
by David Rundle
I was throwing a Hawaiian luau, and i want to make a i thought that i could use two pallets and make one.I made this bar from recycled pallets.I used two pallets to complete the bar, one whole pallet, and one cut in half. I used the one I had cut in half, and used it for the ends of the bar. Then I used MDF for the top. Then I thought i should put more support in and add a shelf to hold all of my mixes! After decorating and loaded up ready for use, looks pretty good! Total time spent building it, about an hour.
bar made from pallets....
After decorations, lookin good!
adding the shelf helped alot in supporting the bar, not to mention ALL that booze!!
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  • Elena Elena on Feb 21, 2020

    would like to see close ups please

  • Suz Roberts Suz Roberts on Apr 22, 2020

    super cute! It would be like a puzzel for me to figure out how to put it together and make it sturdy.
