What is best way to ventilate existing log cabin bathroom?

Chris Sovine
by Chris Sovine
I own a log cabin that was built in the 80's. it has a window but no ventilation fan. Is there some "aftermarket" fan I can purchase and install in the bathroom? I really don't want to drill holes in the logs and opening the window when its 20 degrees isn't cutting it.
  2 answers
  • you have three options. Install fan in ceiling and vent up into attic and out the roof or over into the soffit. (must go outside an vent hose must be insulated) Cut hole in wall and vent sideways. You do not want to do that, nor is it very pretty. Or crack window open.
  • Prope ventilation is very important to keep bathroom hygienic all the time. There are vent fans come with various shapes and sizes. Another way is the use of bath fan. This is usually placed in the ceiling.