Asked on Apr 27, 2015

Free dresser needs drawer stops, can you help give me ideas?

Diane Harrish
by Diane Harrish
Got a new dresser today, not a great one, but we moved all the dressers around and I did not to pay a lot and now I know why this one was free. You go to open the drawers and they come out. Problem is they are big dressers,and don't want to break a foot. Got some ideas, also how do I get the shinny brass finish off the handles with out taking them off. The hardware in the middle is tacked on and not sure I can get them back on OK.
Hate the shiny brass.
Free dresser, want the brass to be dulled, and needs drawer stops.
  8 answers
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Apr 27, 2015
    @Diane Harrish You could use rub n buff to change the color/shine of your pulls, & center pieces. You'd just have to use a Q-tip & be careful not to get it on the wood finish if you aren't removing the key holes 1st. Cut a wooden paint stirrer into small tabs to tack onto the back of your drawers so they stop when they get to the edge of the dresser & won't fall out.
    • Diane Harrish Diane Harrish on Apr 28, 2015
      @Katrina Warren Thanks for the rub n buff, will be trying that soon. I think I can even change my daughters hardware on all her doors from brass to bronze.
  • Scbingle Scbingle on Apr 28, 2015
    This is a great site for drawer replacement parts:
    • See 1 previous
    • Judith Moore Judith Moore on Apr 28, 2015
      @Scbingle Yes, was going to say that you can buy dresser drawer stops. Actually had to replace some on our dresser and found them at a hardware store. They were a heavy plastic that nailed or screwed in.
  • Debra Grieve Debra Grieve on Apr 28, 2015
    I agree with Katrina, only I suggest wood lath pieces, or dowels. Depending on how heavy the drawer is, you just want something strong enough to hold them in. Glue and nail the pieces on near the back corners of each drawer, or pre-drill and put small screws in to hold. Make sure you can remove and install each drawer by tilting it up to get past the wood stops you install.
  • Rosie Rosie on Apr 28, 2015
    Home Depot carries a variety of the drawer stops. I bought some recently for $1.65 each I believe. You just staple them on the back--I used one of those electric staplers and have had no problems with them. If you have one on a drawer, take it with you because the wood or metal slides are not uniform. I replaced the stops on a night stand and a dresser and the wood slides were different thicknesses. Using cut pieces of paint stirrers or lath/dowel pieces is a great solution--I'm going to try that myself!
  • Ann Ann on Apr 28, 2015
    I have seen a eye used (from hook & eye hardward) for a drawer stop. It was a long drawer and two were used. That was 20 years ago and my daughter still uses the dresser today. I think you can just buy a package of cheap eyes without the hooks and screw them in, it takes less than a minute. Good Luck.
    • Diane Harrish Diane Harrish on Apr 28, 2015
      @Ann Sounds easy enough, can you tell me where you put them. Or where they were placed?
  • Ann Ann on Apr 28, 2015
    Take the drawer out. You will screw the eyes down on the bottom front of the inside of the nightstand or dresser drawer etc. An example..take a 12inch ruler and at 2.5 and 9.5 inch mark you would screw in the eye. Tilt the drawer front down which makes the back go up so that you can slide the drawer back in. I can have my daughter send me a picture to post if needed, as it hard to explain(but easy when seen) how this is done. or this
  • Dave kilzer Dave kilzer on May 01, 2015
    Grt some paint stir sticks cut 2 inches and glue and screw to the back of drawer. This should work it did for me ,cheap and easy. : )
  • Jhmarie Jhmarie on May 03, 2015
    I have to laugh - this is exactly my bedroom furniture:) My husband has the large chest of drawers like above. I have a narrower one and also a nightstand. We bought them when we moved into out first house a year after we were married (30 years ago). We still use our set. I have a cottage / country style and they fit in just fine.