Bring Summer to Your Small Space With a Lush Green Balcony Garden
Love to garden, don’t have a yard? Here are some ideas to bring your balcony alive with greenery.
bountiful harvest of flowers
Love to garden, but don’t have a plot of land to work with? Apartment dwellers with a green thumb and a little ingenuity can use their outdoor balcony space to create an attractive and bountiful harvest of flowers, herbs, greenery, veggies, or whatever strikes their fancy.
Cute Spaces
First, consider practicalities. Measure your space to see what you can fit realistically. Assess your balcony to make sure you have adequate drainage (don’t want to drip water on your neighbors!)
adequate drainage
You won’t have to worry about cold weather issues in summertime, but you will have to determine how much sunlight your balcony gets—6+ hours is considered full sun, 4-6 hours partial shade, less than 4 shade. Use the determination to choose the right variety of plants that will thrive in that light level.
Vertical Garden
Maximize space by getting creative with hanging planters, which are great for trailing plants such as ivy. You can also buy or a vertical garden planter for a striking display.
Growing tomatoes in the garden
Want to plant vegetables? You’ll need to buy special planters and consider the amount of space they’ll take up on your small area.
Herb Garden
Finally, if you’re really pressed for room, consider a variety of small house plants or herbs that you can arrange in attractive pots to give the balcony a fresh, summery look.

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  • Drt32340575 Drt32340575 on Feb 03, 2018

    Any suggestions for where and how to repot in an apartment. My balcony is small. I have thought about drop cloth, i bought a plastic bin, i have a second shower and a large bath tub And of course A kitchen sink. Just trying to figure out the mechanics of organizing myself so dirt and Mess are minimized. I’m already clumsy and new to gardening indoors ( not that I ever gardened outdoors I just weeded my moms garden) Any suggestions or websites? Thanks!

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