Help! I used too much wax on my chalk painted fabric.

by Entielle
I painted a couple of chair seats with chalk paint. Then I used a paint brush to put the wax on, and it went on too thick. Is there a way to remove some of the wax before I begin buffing it?
recently painted with chalk paint, I added too much wax at the end.
  11 answers
  • Jan Jan on Jul 09, 2015
    Try sanding it with sandpaper..Then use a dry paint brush to remove the dust.
  • Kathy Wahl Kathy Wahl on Jul 09, 2015
    a little rubbing alcohol will take it down too
  • Tammy Lagaly Tammy Lagaly on Jul 10, 2015
    This will sound crazy, but add more wax. Then using a cloth, rub and remove. The new "wet" wax will make removing the old wax easier. Works on furniture too.
    • See 1 previous
    • Sharon Brower Sharon Brower on Apr 30, 2020

      you are right... sounds counterintuitive. But works like a champ! Thank you

  • Somewhat Quirky Somewhat Quirky on Jul 10, 2015
    mineral spirits will work as well. just put some on a rag and wipe.
  • Jane Brunner Jane Brunner on Jul 10, 2015
    Don't know if this would be valid, but I know if you get wax on clothing, tablecloths, etc. you can take paper towels and place over the waxed area, and then run a hot iron over it. Just keep moving the paper towel as the wax residue is pulled into it. I've never used chalk paint so don't know how this might effect that particular finish. Maybe another reader can add info in that regard.
  • Monica Inman-riley Monica Inman-riley on Jul 10, 2015
    Think about putting brown paper over the cushion and ironing over the paper with a warm iron.
  • Entielle Entielle on Jul 10, 2015
    Thank you everyone for your wonderful suggestions!
  • Mls1935647 Mls1935647 on Jul 11, 2015
    I didn't have exact instructions and so I've messed up a chair. No loss, I didn't like it the color it was. I chalk painted and put a coat of wax on the fabric. You can see where it is. It didn't go on smoothly. Plus I let it dry instead of buffing it after 10 minutes. Then I put a second coat on, was going to buff it but got a migrane and so it dried also. SO, today I've had the blow dryer out softening the wax while rubbing, rubbing with a t-shirt. It's helped some. Suggestions for the next step? Or just quit while I'm ahead. It's not shiny at all. I heard that after you buffed it, it would slightly resemble leather.
  • Gwen Thomas Gwen Thomas on Jul 21, 2015
    Yes, definitely use a warm iron over an old tshirt or brown paper.
  • Janice Janice on Mar 25, 2024

    I would use a brown paper shopping bag and a hair blow dryer. Warm the area with the blow dryer and place the brown paper onto the area to absorb some of the wax. Repeat until you are happy with the surface and buff as you planned.