I have this cool Styrofoam box...

by Mel
I was thinking about covering it with fabric for an outdoor ottoman/cooler/storage. Will modge podge work? Or I am open to different ideas!!
  13 answers
  • Z Z on Jul 22, 2015
    Make sure to check the version of ModPodge you get. There is one for Exterior and also a Hard Coat. Not sure which would be the best as their website isn't that hot. You might be better to use a polyurethane. My guess is anything you put on Styrofoam will not be permanent before of it's surface texture, but if you are careful it would be look very nice. Great idea to turn it into a cooler. Not sure I'd let anyone sit on it though.
  • Jeannierose Jeannierose on Jul 22, 2015
    Wow, great idea. I have a few of these myself that I've just been using as plain old coolers...which is how I discovered that if you use ice, these leak as the ice melts...so line it with something waterproof. Keep us updated as to what Mod Podge you used and if it worked.
    • Mel Mel on Jul 23, 2015
      @Jeannierose It leaks? Oh no! Thanks for letting me know that! I was thinking about a vinyl table cloth........you know, the kind you can get for just a few dollars.
  • Snapoutofit Snapoutofit on Jul 22, 2015
    Test out the "squeak squeak" factor before investing time/money into an ottoman. eeeck, my ears hurt just thnking about that
    • Mel Mel on Jul 23, 2015
      @Snapoutofit hadn't considered the squeak factor.....thanks!
  • Kelly S Kelly S on Jul 23, 2015
    ooohh outdoor storage. Love it. You could also hot glue or use straight pins to wrap it in rope. Be sure to post a picture of what you do with it.
  • Don Don on Jul 23, 2015
    Yes it would melt it a little. Elmers white glue? I had a couple of these and they did not leak as the ice melted. I'm thinking Jeannierose@ units may have been cracked or a pin hole? Get some old fence boards and make a box it could fit into and fashion a top and have a rustic looking small cooler?
  • Mary Wheeler Mary Wheeler on Jul 23, 2015
    What about a lightweight wooden box for base made out of garden lattice? Lattice on the bottom with a frame would allow for casters too.You could cover the top and bottom of the actual cooler in a wood tone contact paper and still use it for ice.
    • Mel Mel on Jul 23, 2015
      Good idea Mary. Do you think contact paper would stick to the styrofoam?
  • The Redesign Habit The Redesign Habit on Jul 23, 2015
    I'd cover it with an outdoor fabric using really long pins to hold your fabric in place. You can get them with all different kinds of heads on them in a fabric store. If your cooler is going to get hot and cold and maybe wet...I'm not sure regular glue would hold. If you use hot glue it will melt the cooler a little but it also will dry out and come loose over time. You could even trim out the edges to cover pins if you wanted to and that would cover up your pins if you end using something like T-pins, which are very strong and come in different lengths and sizes.
    • Mel Mel on Jul 23, 2015
      Wow! Thanks gray idea! And I can always change out the fabric, especially if I use inexpensive vinyl table clothes! Thanks!
  • Jenny Jenny on Jul 23, 2015
    Here's a thought. It looks like it might fit in a plastic crate. If so, get some rope twine and wrap it around the outside. Make a wooden top. Use matting and outdoor fabric or a shower curtain, cheaper, cover it. I saw this rope crate on Pinterest. I have one and I'm doing it. Thatnks.
  • Carolyn V Carolyn V on Jul 24, 2015
    yes, I also saw the same thing done on pinterest with rope twine, looked neat
  • Jackie Peruchi Jackie Peruchi on Jul 27, 2015
    I have used several of these styrofoam coolers in different sizes grouped together at Christmas as outdoor decor. I place a brick or large rock inside and then wrap the cooler in printed foil wrapping paper, add bows or whatever you want as your theme and you have reusable outdoor holiday decor.
    • Mel Mel on Jul 27, 2015
      @Jackie Peruchi That is a creative Christmas décor idea!! Thanks!
  • Eileen Eileen on Jul 27, 2015
    There's a product called Hold The Foam that works well without "melting" the foam.
  • Mel Mel on Jul 31, 2015
    I am still looking for unusual or unique ideas!! Thanks everyone!!
  • Lis1839073 Lis1839073 on Aug 03, 2015
    I once took a 3 demensional design art class where we sculpted styrofoam. Once we had the shape we wanted, we covered the styrofoam with wood putty, sanded and painted it. The cool thing about this technique is it looks like stone, something heavy, when it is not. hope this helps.
    • Mel Mel on Aug 03, 2015
      @Lisapizzafor4 Thanks! Interesting idea.....