Asked on Jul 26, 2015

Cheap ideas for fix up of back porch

by Michelle
I bought the house 4 years ago, 6 previous owners lived here prior to me buying since the home was built in the 50's. Eventually the goal is get rid of these steps and replace with a small deck extending 2 inches on each side. I am looking for fix up ideas up $200 or less it is the back steps but still need to look presentable. What you can't see is crumbling cement, many layers of patching. So all you creative folks I am open to all the possibilities, thanks!
  5 answers
  • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Jul 26, 2015
    @Michelle First I would patch the crumbling areas with a cement patch, scrape the green paint smooth then paint with the same color blue you have on the house. If cost effective I would then tile the porch & steps (with a nonslip tile) & use decorative tiles on the front of the risers, or stencil the riser fronts. If you use tile or stencil on the front of the risers something with the bright lime green of your door would look great!
    • See 1 previous
    • Katrina Warren Katrina Warren on Jul 27, 2015
      @Michelle I do love the green, it's a fun & happy color! Thanks for the color info, I may need to get some of that! =D
  • Good suggestion from Katrina , in reference to the patching and painting. Tiling is an idea, but need to be aware of issues with the steps being old and not ' straight' and you would need a professional for that. I suggest using a paint has a tooth to it , or any of the new products like " Deckover" , or one of the epoxy paints for concrete, to update your steps, and perhaps stencil the risers, and seal them, to add interest and a pretty look to your steps, until such time when you can do something different.
  • Met1485065 Met1485065 on Jul 26, 2015
    Leave stairs Paint them outdoor cement paint. Build deck on one side of stairs take one handrail off. what fun
  • Michelle Michelle on Jul 26, 2015
    Thanks everyone for input, I have decided to paint for now. The cost to build is 3000, where I live city codes require you to demolish the cement steps first then build. At the bottom of the steps is a 8 x 10 brick patio. But someone did not put it right so that will be pull up and either replace or put a floating deck in. But as I was cleaning and scraping paint/dirt on the stairs, discover brick on the side, so this tells me that this was a brick step and someone did not like it and covered it with cement. Such a shame. I would love the brick.
  • Michelle Michelle on Apr 12, 2016
    Polly ,will do have not done any work. I am now thinking a back deck along the length of home wth taking out a bedroom putting single French door that swings out