Quick and Easy Bathtub Trim

6 Materials
1 Hour

If your bathtub face boring and flat like mine, do this! For under $10 and an hour you can elevate the look of your bathroom with PVC box trim. This project requires no power tools! My favorite projects are always cheap, easy, but impactful!

Here is my tub BEFORE. I’m using PVC trim which is waterproof and very inexpensive. These pieces were less than $3 each at my local hardware store.

All you need is: PVC trim of choice, Liquid nails, caulk, scissors, a level, and measuring tape. No powertools!

I’m measuring and cutting my trim at a 45 degree angle for a cleaner mitered corner. You can cut this trim with a good pair of scissors as well as a utility knife with the “score and snap” method.

Using liquid nails, simply glue the trim to the face of your tub. The key is to make sure each piece is level as you go!

Next, caulk any gaps or seams. I’ll caulk around the inside, outside, and where the corners meet to creat a more seamless or “built-in” look.

Thats it! Ta daaa! This simple update gives a bathtub new life and makes it feel so much more complete!

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3 of 5 questions
  • Coveracker Coveracker on Jun 13, 2021

    This only works on fiberglass tubs right? Not cast iron coated ones?

  • Beverly Beverly on Jun 18, 2021

    Wow! I want to try this today! Do you think Lowe’s or Home Depot would have the PVC trim? Also I believe I can use this method on my hollow interior doors. Thanks for the great ideas. Very awesome 😃

  • Non53944423 Non53944423 on May 01, 2022

    I saw it done on walls using dollar store plastic frames. Came out beautiful.

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4 of 31 comments
  • Frances Anderson Frances Anderson on May 02, 2022

    i have a load of plastic picture frames left over from a decorating change ,,, save me trimming will just use them , a bit of blu tac on back to arrange before hand get the look i like and glue in place. mine are soft rose gold so a quick spray paint white and my recycle craft box just got half emptied lol 😱😂 thank you for this motivation and the whole idea .

  • Ros105467788 Ros105467788 on May 12, 2024


    I do have a question. How do I prevent water getting in the seams

