Asked on Nov 29, 2015

When using my pneumatic stapler, often skips or misses staples/brad

I have a Porter-Cable Staple/Brad Nailer Compressor Kit (about 10 years old) that has recently started to skip or miss shooting the staple. There are plenty of staples (or brads) loaded and the ones that do load are perfect (depth, placement, etc). I've purchased new staples and brads, but that doesn't seem to resolve the problem. I am shooting into wood through a couple layers of denim, but like I said, it doesn't seem to happen all the time, just some times. It is so frustrating.
Does anyone have any suggestions or ideas?
  14 answers
  • Cheryle Fuller Cheryle Fuller on Nov 29, 2015
    First how long has it been since you drained the water out of your air compressor? if never, take it outside and look on the bottom for a fitting with a screw off top. Remove that and drain it by tilting it over so all the water comes out, then replace the screw cap. Check your pressure on the nail gun on the dial. Make sure it is the same or slightly more than what your stapler requires. Have you oiled your stapler? There is a port where the hose connects in whch you place a few drops of special oil for air tools. Reconnect your stapler and let the air push the oil through for a few seconds. then try to use the stapler. if this does not work, you may need to disassemble the air stapler and clean it. Go online to the brand of stapler you have and look for a manual that will tell you how to clean it out. If that does not work, check to make sure you do not have air leaking from your lines somewhere. Other wise, it may be time for a new stapler. They are on sale now for Black Friday, so treat yourself. It might cost more to have it fixed than a new one.
  • 4ja251581 4ja251581 on Nov 30, 2015
    Wrong gage or cheaper staples can affect how they work also. Should oil before each use as well.
  • I agree with above statements- you need to oil your air guns regularly. There are several maintenance tips for air compressors as well. One is to always let the air out of the tank when not in use to avoid holding moisture and rusting out tank. As for the guns, they do wear out so I am not sure how much use they get. the Porter compressor will outlast the guns and so I suspect it is the guns and staplers unless the pressure is not right when using the staple/nail guns. If you do not have the pressure correct for the type of staple or nail it can cause problems too.
  • Rwb3155517 Rwb3155517 on Nov 30, 2015
    Check the CFM requirements of your stapler and the CFM output of your compressor. It sounds like your stapler only works properly while the compressor is fully charged. As the pressure in the tank goes down, the recoil of the ram decreases and it does not retract far enough to pick up another staple.
  • Alton Alton on Nov 30, 2015
    Because of the age it is more likely worn out and the driver is not going all of the way back up . Try shooting it upside down and see if it skips then . About as cheap to get a new one . as to fix the old one .
  • Pam Pam on Dec 01, 2015
    How often should you add the 2-3 drops of oil to each tool? Mine don't get a huge amount of use but long periods of time in between. Also, what type oil? General purpose machine oil?
    • See 3 previous
    • Pam Pam on Dec 09, 2015
      Thanks folks!
  • Cindy tustin Cindy tustin on Dec 04, 2015
    I have a craftsman nailer and it states do not oil. Will cause the orings to disentegrate and you will have air loss. when I have a skipping problem it is usually because I have not applied enough pressure on the gun. I would read your manual very close to see if the type of gun you use requires oil. If your air pressure is to high you can destroy your gun if it is too low will not fire or will not drive brads or nails all the way in. Happy nailing.
  • Sup2110136 Sup2110136 on Dec 04, 2015
    how to cover caravan bench seats
  • Charley_Drumm Charley_Drumm on Dec 05, 2015
    I have used pneumatic tools of several different designs, all of my life. I have never had one that did not require "pneumatic tool oil" squirted into the air input, before hooking up the air. If not used for long periods of time, I spray LIQUID WRENCH, or any other high quality spray lube, on the working, moving parts. I agree with Cindy, read your instruction manual, or if you are like me, lost the manual right after purchasing the tool, (grin) email the company/maker, of the tool, and ask for instructions sent to you via email. I've done it many times. Pneumatic tools can be rebuilt. Look up a repair shop, tell them what you have, and check to see if the rebuild price is more cost effective than building a new tool. Good luck. One more thing, after every use, I open the petcock valve at the bottom of my tank.(30gallons) With compressor turned off, this blows out the remaining air, but, more importantly, empties the tank of built up condensation/water, in the tank. I don't know if your small tank has such a valve, but I would check.
  • 4ja251581 4ja251581 on Dec 05, 2015
    I think WD can gum up? I just get a large bottle of paslode oil.
  • Woody53 Woody53 on Dec 11, 2015
    There is oil specifically for your nailer, do not use any other oil.
  • Vio32498220 Vio32498220 on Jan 22, 2018

    Hi my compresion stapler is only shouting out 20 staples and stops

  • Ken Erickson Ken Erickson on Dec 05, 2020

    Try cleaning the nailing end. Ensure the spring behind the nails is OK. I always put my hand on the top of the gun to ensure it doesn't bounce when the nail gets driven - especially into a hard wood.

  • Ross Colbert Ross Colbert on Apr 03, 2021

    I have a practically new PC narrow crown stapler, and a practically new compressor. It will shoot maybe a dozen times, then it will stop; i have to continually keep trying it and then it will suddenly start working again. I've always owned Senco guns; this PC is a POS.