Help finding Turquoise Jade vine

Alice G
by Alice G
Does anyone know where in Florida I can purchase a Jade vine plant ? I'm looking for the turquoise variety
  5 answers
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 29, 2013
    Alice, there are a couple of wholesale growers in the Miami area (Doug Ingram and Sons in Homestead and Signature Trees and Palms in Miami) who grow this. Chat up the folks at your local nursery and see if they can get it for you. Otherwise, here are two mail-order sources:
  • Alice G Alice G on Apr 29, 2013
    Hi Doug I knew i would get a reply from you lol. A friend also told me about Fairchilds in Miami. As far as mail order, usually you get a small plant, I'm looking for a bigger plant maybe a gallon container.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Apr 29, 2013
    Logee's sells a lot of plants. I wouldn't worry about ordering from them, but what you get will be tiny. The only Fairchild in Miami I know is the botanical garden, which is a wonderful place to visit, but I don't think they sell plants. Or at least I didn't see any for sale when I was there in January.
  • Alice G Alice G on May 07, 2013
    Hi Doug I finally found a place where they sell the jade vine. Its in Palm Bay Fl, Valcaria gardens. I was at a garden show Saturday and was told they have plenty. So road trip tomorrow lol
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 07, 2013
    That's great, Alice. I have seen ads for Valkaria Gardens in Florida Gardening magazine and been tempted to make a road trip myself.