I have bermuda lawn, when is best time to aerate ? Before you scalp down or is it better to wait till grass is green?

If you need lime, would it be beneficial to aerate earlier and let lime work into soil & roots before new sprouts start to grow? What lawn aerator do you recommend?

  3 answers
  • Walter Reeves Walter Reeves on Feb 24, 2012
    Aeration is done to benefit root growth...opening up the soil for water, nutrients and oxygen. Root growth is getting good and started when your bermuda is 50% green, so that would be a good time to aerate. Lime can be applied anytime....it takes a while for it to dissolve and work down.
  • thanks, Walter, I did not expect a pro such as your self to respond this quickly. Comimg from So. Florida, this is new challenge for me>
  • Walter Reeves Walter Reeves on Feb 24, 2012
    Welcome north!