Up-Cycled, Ugly, Black Flower Pots.

LeeAnn M
by LeeAnn M
1 Hour
I have oodles of ugly, black, plastic pots that are rarely reused. This morning I had an "Aha Moment!!" I wrapped the pots in burlap, fabric, and faux leather, added a lace flower, and now have pretty pots that I can reuse and enjoy! You can match the pot fabric to your home or patio decor. And, best of all, they are FREE! There have been lots of questions about drainage. I use whatever I have on hand as drainage saucers, plastic coffee lids, butter lids, old plates and saucers, or you can buy clear plastic ones at your garden center.
Ugly, black, plastic pot
If you have a bunch of ugly, black, plastic pots that are rarely used, I have an easy project for you!
Measure fabric to fit the pot
I wrapped the pots in burlap, fabric, and faux leather. To get the fabric to fit perfectly, I rolled the pot across the fabric, marking the fabric as I roll. I marked it from just under the top lip to the top of the drainage holes.
Fabric is ready to glue to the pot
Cut the fabric along your lines. If you have a tapered pot, the fabric will be curved to fit the pot.
Make a lace flower by gathering the lace
I basted a 12" piece of lace and pulled the thread to gather it into a flower. Stitch the beginning and end of the lace together and knot.
Beautiful, reusable, free flower pots
I used my glue gun to attach one end of the fabric to the pot, wrapped the fabric around the pot, and secured the other end with hot glue. I attached my lace flower with hot glue and "Ta-Da", transformation complete. Now I have pretty, reusable, pots to enjoy in my house or to put out on the patio in the spring! This project cost me $0, because I already had the scrap fabric, lace, and glue gun.
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  • Beth dotson Beth dotson on Feb 25, 2016
    I love this,and I too have bunches of ugly pots! What did you use under the pot to catch the drainage? I hope to start this project soon,thank you for sharing!!
  • Cheryl Cheryl on Feb 17, 2017
    I have quite a few and want to know if you have any ideas for outside use. We have lots of porch but we get a variety of weather here and as we are in the country we have dogs and cats.
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