When is the best time to plant magnolia trees?

by Nikki
I want to plant a row of magnolia trees at the top of a hill in my back yard. Can I plant now, and is there a variety that doesn't grow very tall? Any other things to consider before planting?
  9 answers
  • 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) 360 Sod (Donna Dixson) on May 13, 2012
    Nikki, the best time to plant large trees is in the fall to winter. If it is a smaller containerized plant you can plan now, just knowing that you will need to pay close attention to the watering throughout the summer and into fall even. So you need to treat it like caring for a family pet if you leave town for a vacation and have someone care for it while you are gone. (Even for a long weekend if we are up in the 100 degree range) The Little Gem Magnolia only gets about 25-30 ft tall which is much smaller than the Southern Magnolias. There is one that stays even smaller, the Teddy Bear, supposedly around 12-15 ft, but I am less familiar with that one. The 'Alta' is also a smaller growing Magnolia growing around 30 ft tall and around 10 ft wide.
  • Erica Glasener Erica Glasener on May 13, 2012
    Nikki, Four Season Nursery has good advice but if you have a source for container grown material, go for it now! Just be sure to water if it doesn't rain, I would suggest about once a week thoroughly, long and slow. Do this through the summer and into the fall.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on May 14, 2012
    I have three "Little Gems" in my back yard. They are well-named.
  • Pamela F Pamela F on Jun 23, 2012
    I just planted a 5.5 Little Gem in my frontyard today! Hopefully it does well.
  • Erica Glasener Erica Glasener on Jun 23, 2012
    Pamela, I would recommend watering once a week, long and slow drenching with the hose. should do fine.
  • Douglas Hunt Douglas Hunt on Jun 24, 2012
    Watering's the key, as Erica says. Good luck with your Little Gem, Pamela. I've got three in my back yard. Great little tree.
  • Pamela F Pamela F on Jun 24, 2012
    Thanks! I forgot to mention that I also planted an Alexander "Saucer" Magnolia in my backyard about a week ago. A lot of the leaves were suffering from powdery mildew. I hate to admit it but, I not only treated it but pluck the infected leaves off and disposed of them.
  • Jinnie washmon Jinnie washmon on Jun 11, 2017

    i received a Magnolia from a friend that has just passed away. She wanted me to take her beloved Magnolia. I live in Houston Texas and I need to know if it's ok this time of year to dig up her Magnolia and plant it at my house in my back yard.i want it to live so I want to replant it at the right time of year. She just planted it in the last few months so it isn't very big. Can you advise me on when to transplant it.

  • Ovp11873610 Ovp11873610 on Jun 11, 2017

    In the late fall.