What product can I use to seal small leaks in my metal bird bath?

by Claudia_wood
I would like to paint or coat the entire interior with something that is non-toxic but will prevent leaks.
  7 answers
  • Jac K Jac K on May 29, 2016
    Make sure the surfaces are clean and totally dry, then use silicone glue ir silicone caulk to seal the bird bath. It is non-reactive and should be safe and long lasting.
  • William William on May 30, 2016
    You will need to use an aquarium silicone sealant. Its used in repairing aquariums, is non toxic, and strong. Its 100% pure silicone and doesn't have the chemical properties standard caulk has.
  • Anna M.S. Anna M.S. on May 30, 2016
    Through Hometalk, yesterday I learned that the Bondo brand has a number of products that can be used for filling/sealing holes. Check out http://bondo.com/tips#lwU5f1QX7wRYglGx.97 for Tips and Frequently Asked Questions.
    • See 1 previous
    • William William on May 30, 2016
      @Anna M.S. Bondo can be toxic to birds if not properly sealed. The solvents can off gas and leach into the water.
  • Marlene Marlene on May 30, 2016
    Why don't you put a plastic liner in it? One for plants....the clear ones.
  • Claudia_wood Claudia_wood on May 31, 2016
    I have not completed my project yet, but I liked all the ideas and will probably use the suggestion used for aquariums. Thanks to all who replied.
  • TipTopHouse TipTopHouse on May 31, 2016
    you can use an fiberglass coating to seal holes. its applied by blending two liquids together then using throwaway brush apply it to the porous surface. Let dry, lightly sand and apply your finish coat of paint You will be fine as will your feathered friends.